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What is a logo? Definition, Types, Importance, And Examples

By Jayesh | Last Updated on June 8th, 2024 1:29 pm

Look around you—whether you're at home, on the street, or scrolling through your phone, you'll see logos everywhere. From the coffee cup in your hand to the apps on your phone, logos are a part of our everyday lives. But have you ever wondered what is a logo? Why they are so important? And most importantly, what roles AI Design Tools are playing in logo making?

So, a logo is a special design or symbol used by companies and organizations to identify their products, services, or brands. It is a visual mark that helps people recognize a business quickly and easily.

In this blog, you will learn what a logo is, the different types of logos, and why they are important with some examples. By the end, you'll understand how logos work and why they matter so much for businesses and brands.

what is a logo

A logo is a special design that represents a company, product, or organization. It is a graphic mark, emblem, or symbol that people recognize and associate with that specific brand. The main purpose of a logo is to help people identify and remember the brand easily.


This is the style and appearance of the letters in the logo. It can be the name of the company written in a unique way. For example, the Coca-Cola logo uses a distinctive font that makes it easily recognizable.


Imagery refers to pictures or symbols used in the logo. This can include icons, drawings, or other graphics. For example, the Apple logo uses a simple image of an apple with a bite taken out of it.

Color Schemes

Colors are a very important part of a logo. Different colors can evoke different feelings and memories. For example, red color can evoke excitement, while blue color can evoke trust. Hence, the color schemes used in a logo play a vital role in helping people remember the brand and its values.

Design Principles

Principles of design are, you can say, a set of basic rules that make a logo look good and work well. These include simplicity (making sure the logo is not too complicated), balance (making sure the parts of the logo are evenly distributed), and versatility (making sure the logo looks good in different sizes and on different materials).

Types of Logos (Explained in Simple Terms)

Logos are symbols used by companies and brands to represent their identity and values. They come in various styles, each serving a different purpose and conveying a unique message. Understanding the different types of logos can help you choose the best one for your brand.

Wordmark (Logotype)

A wordmark logo uses the company's name as its logo. The name is written in a special, often unique, style.


  • Google: The logo is simply the word "Google" in colorful, unique letters.
  • Coca-Cola: The logo is the brand name written in a distinctive cursive font.

Lettermark (Monogram)

A lettermark logo uses the initials or abbreviations of a company's name.


  • IBM: Stands for International Business Machines and uses just the letters "IBM."
  • HBO: Stands for Home Box Office and uses just the letters "HBO."

Pictorial Mark (Icon)

A pictorial mark uses a recognizable image or icon as the logo.


  • Apple: The logo is a simple image of an apple with a bite taken out of it.
  • Twitter (Now X): The logo was a small bird.

Abstract Mark

An abstract mark uses a shape or symbol that doesn't represent a real object. It’s a unique design that represents the brand.


  • Nike: The swoosh symbol of nike is an abstract, curved checkmark.
  • Pepsi: The pepsi logo is a circle divided into red, white, and blue sections in an abstract form.

Mascot Logo

A mascot logo features a character or a mascot that represents the brand.


  • KFC: The logo features Colonel Sanders, the founder of KFC, as a friendly character.
  • Michelin: The logo features the Michelin Man, a mascot made of tires.

Combination Mark

A combination mark uses both text and a symbol or image together.


  • Doritos: Doritos logo includes the word "Doritos" along with a triangular chip image.
  • Burger King: Burger King's logo combines the brand name with an image of a burger bun.


An emblem logo has text inside a symbol or icon. The text and the image are usually hard to separate.


  • Starbucks: The logo features a mermaid inside a circular badge with the brand name.
  • Harley-Davidson: The logo has the brand name written inside a shield shape.

You can make use of logo templates and save your time and effort. It provides a great starting point for your design. Customize your favorite template with your brand's colors, fonts, and icons to create a unique logo that stands out.

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Aspect Explanation Importance
Brand Identity A logo is a key part of a brand's identity. It is the visual symbol that represents the brand. When people see the logo, they should immediately recognize the brand and what it stands for. Having a consistent logo across all media (like websites, business cards, social media, and products) helps people remember and recognize the brand easily. Consistency in using the same logo everywhere builds a strong and recognizable brand.
Memorability A logo helps make a brand memorable. It's a visual shortcut to the brand’s identity. When people see the logo, they remember the brand and their experiences with it. First impressions matter. A good logo makes a strong first impression, which can attract new customers. Over time, as people repeatedly see the logo, it helps them recall the brand easily, making it stick in their minds.
Professionalism A well-designed logo shows that a brand is professional and serious about its business. It signals to customers that the brand is trustworthy and reliable. Trust is essential for building relationships with customers. A professional-looking logo can make people feel more confident in choosing the brand’s products or services.
Marketing Tool Logos are a central part of marketing and advertising. They are used on all promotional materials, such as ads, brochures, and packaging. An effective logo enhances the impact of marketing efforts. It makes promotional materials more attractive and helps ensure that people remember the brand after seeing an advertisement.
Competitive Differentiation A logo helps a brand stand out from its competitors. It should be unique and reflect what is special about the brand. In a crowded market, it’s important to be different. A distinctive logo helps attract attention and makes the brand easier to pick out from a sea of competitors.

Difference Between Brand and Logo

Aspect Brand Logo
Definition A brand represents the overall identity of a company, including its values, culture, and customer perception. A logo is a graphic symbol or emblem that represents a company and is used for identification.
Components Includes name, slogan, values, mission, and customer experience. Consists of design elements like symbols, typography, and colors.
Purpose Builds recognition and trust with customers over time. Provides a visual representation for easy identification.
Scope Broad and encompasses various elements and strategies. Narrow, focusing only on visual identity.
Longevity Can evolve but remains consistent in core values and message. Can be updated or redesigned but serves as a constant visual marker.

Examples of Effective And Good Logos

logo examples

In this section, you will discover some of the most famous logos worldwide that will help you connect how effective and good logos look and make an impact.


  • Simplicity: The Apple logo is very simple. It is just an apple with a bite taken out of it. This makes it easy to recognize.

  • Iconic Shape: The shape of the apple is unique and instantly identifiable.

  • Global Recognition: People all over the world know this logo. When you see apple, you think of Apple Inc., the tech company that makes iPhones and MacBooks.


  • The Swoosh Symbol: Nike logo is a simple check mark called the “swoosh.” It looks like it’s moving, which makes you think of speed and motion.

  • Representation: The swoosh represents the idea of movement and speed, which matches Nike’s sports products perfectly.


  • The Golden Arches: McDonald's logo features two golden arches that form an "M." This design is easy to recognize from a distance.

  • Instant Recognition: When you see the golden arches, you immediately think of McDonald's and fast food. It’s very memorable.


  • Clever Use of Negative Space: The FedEx logo uses the space between the letters “E” and “x” to create an arrow. This is called negative space.

  • Symbolizing Speed and Direction: The hidden arrow symbolizes speed and precise delivery, which fits what FedEx does—delivering packages quickly and reliably.


  • The Mermaid Emblem: Starbucks’ logo features a mermaid, also known as a siren. This is unique and stands out.

  • Unique and Recognizable Story: The mermaid represents the brand’s connection to the sea and coffee’s long history of being transported by ship. It’s a story that makes the brand more interesting and memorable.

how to create a logo

In this section, you will go through the key things you must keep in mind your making a logo. Hence, go through this and tally them with your idea of making a good logo to figure out the points you are missing while creating your logo.

Understanding Brand Identity

  • Research Your Brand Values: Think about what your brand stands for. What are its core beliefs and goals? For example, if you value innovation, your logo should reflect a modern look.
  • Know Your Target Audience: Understand who your customers are. Are they young or old? Professional or casual? Your logo should appeal to them.
  • Define Your Brand Personality: Is your brand fun and playful, or serious and professional? Your logo should match this personality. For example, a playful brand might use bright colors and fun shapes, while a serious brand might use simple, clean lines and a neutral color palette.

Simplicity and Versatility

  • Keep It Simple: A simple logo is easier to recognize and remember. Avoid too many details or complicated designs. Think of the Adidas Logo or the Apple logo—both are simple but powerful.
  • Ensure Versatility: Your logo should look good on all platforms and in all sizes. Whether it's on a business card or a billboard, it should remain clear and effective. Test your logo in different sizes and formats to make sure it works everywhere.

Color and Typography

  • Choose the Right Colors: Colors have meanings and can affect how people feel about your brand. For example, blue often represents trust and professionalism, while red can signify energy and excitement. Pick colors that match your brand's message.
  • Pick Suitable Fonts: Fonts also communicate different feelings. A sleek, modern font can suggest innovation, while a classic serif font can give a sense of tradition and reliability. Ensure the font you choose is easy to read and aligns with your brand's tone.
  • Avoid Clichés: Don’t use overused symbols or designs that are common in your industry. Instead, think about what makes your brand different and use that in your logo.
  • Stand Out: Look at what your competitors are doing and make sure your logo is different. It should be distinct and easily identifiable so that people remember your brand.

How To Create a Logo Using Appy Pie’s Logo Maker

Appy Pie's logo maker lets you create logos for your business or personal brand. You don't need to spend thousands of dollars on a professional designer or spend months learning complex design software. This logo maker is easy to use and perfect for both professionals and beginners.

  • Use Prompts: Begin by selecting prompts that help define the style, theme, and elements you want in your logo.
  • Explore Templates: Browse through various logo templates to find a design that matches your vision and brand identity.
  • Customize Your Logo Design: Modify the chosen template by changing colors, fonts, and icons to fit your brand's unique look and feel.
  • Download: Once satisfied with the design, download the final logo file in the required format for use.


Logos are super important! They're like the face of a brand. We talked about what logos are, the different types like wordmark and pictorial mark, and why they matter so much. Logos help people remember brands and trust them. They're like a first impression!

Now it's your turn! Take a good look at your own logo. Does it represent your brand well? If not, it might be time for a change. You can use Appy Pie Design for help if you're not sure. It will help in making logos that really stand out.

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