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Top Harvest Integrations to Supercharge Business Operations

By Ruchi | Last Updated on July 1st, 2024 10:46 am

Harvest is a renowned time-tracking and invoicing software solution, widely adopted by businesses to streamline their time and expense management processes. Its intuitive features and user-friendly interface have made it a favorite among organizations seeking efficient ways to manage projects, track time, and process invoices.

However, one of its key strengths lies in its ability to integrate with workflow automation tools to elevate its functionality and make it an even more powerful tool for businesses. In this article, we'll explore the world of Harvest integrations, shedding light on the different types available, the most popular options, and the benefits they bring.

What are Harvest Integrations?

Harvest integrationsaa are essential tools that unlock the full potential of Harvest, a time-tracking and invoicing software, by enabling it to interact seamlessly with other applications. These integrations allow users to connect their Harvest account with various software applications they rely on daily, including project management, accounting, email, and issue-tracking tools.

For example, you can integrate Harvest with project management software like Asana, enabling you to sync tasks and projects between the two platforms. This ensures that your project data, time-tracking information, and budget usage are all seamlessly connected. Another popular integration is with accounting software, such as QuickBooks, which allows for a two-way sync of client and invoice data, transforming Harvest into one of the most useful apps for working from home.

Types of Harvest Integrations

Harvest offers a variety of integrations to cater to different needs, here is a categorized list of the most significant ones:

  1. Project Management Integrations
  2. Harvest integrates seamlessly with leading project management tools like Asana, Trello, and Basecamp. Project management integrations ensure that your projects and tasks are synchronized, offering a cohesive view of your work. You can track time within these platforms, link tasks to specific projects, and easily manage your resources and deadlines. With real-time updates and efficient collaboration, these integrations keep your projects running smoothly.

  3. Accounting Software Integrations
  4. QuickBooks, Xero, and FreshBooks are examples of powerful accounting software that integrates with Harvest. Accounting software integrations streamline your financial management by synchronizing client data, invoices, and expenses. This two-way data sync eliminates manual data entry, ensuring accurate and up-to-date financial records. It simplifies the invoicing and billing process, providing a clear overview of your financial health.

  5. CRM Integrations
  6. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tools, such as Salesforce and HubSpot, integrate with Harvest to synchronize vital customer data. This includes client information, project details, and invoices. By connecting your CRM and Harvest, you can easily manage sales pipelines, track client interactions, and access important project data, all in one place. CRM integrations streamline your sales and project delivery processes.

  7. Email Integrations
  8. Harvest integrates directly with Microsoft Outlook and Gmail, bringing time-tracking capabilities into your inbox. Email integrations allow you to create and edit time entries, start and stop timers, and manage your projects without leaving your email platform. This enables efficient time management and provides a seamless experience for those who spend a significant amount of time in their inbox.

  9. Payment Gateway Integrations
  10. Secure and efficient payment processing is facilitated through integrations with leading payment processors, including PayPal and Stripe. Payment gateway integrations streamline the payment process for invoices generated in Harvest. You can quickly receive payments from your clients, set up subscription billing, and automatically reconcile payment data with your invoices, ensuring a smooth and professional payment experience.

  11. Document Management Software Integrations
  12. Harvest integrates with cloud storage and document management platforms, such as Dropbox and Google Drive. Document management software integrations ensure efficient document sharing and storage. You can easily access and share important files related to projects, clients, and invoices, ensuring that your team always has the most up-to-date information. This promotes collaboration and streamlines the document retrieval process.

  13. Calendar Integrations
  14. Syncing Harvest with popular calendar applications, such as Google Calendar or Outlook Calendar, helps users effectively manage their time and stay organized. Calendar integrations enable users to view and manage their Harvest tasks and projects directly within their calendar, providing a comprehensive view of deadlines, meetings, and project milestones. This ensures that users can plan their time efficiently and never miss important dates.

These integration categories showcase the incredible versatility, adaptability, and functionality of Harvest, underlining its ability to seamlessly fit into diverse business ecosystems. With these integrations, businesses can enhance their operational efficiency and overall productivity. By connecting Harvest with other software applications, businesses can streamline their processes, improve data accuracy, and make more informed decisions, making it one of the best time-tracking apps available.

Popular Harvest Integrations

Now, let's explore some of the most widely used Harvest integrations and understand how they can transform your business operations:

  1. Asana and Harvest Integration
  2. This integration connects Asana, a leading project management platform, with Harvest. Creating an Asana and Harvest integration allows for a seamless sync of tasks and projects between the two platforms, ensuring that your team always has access to the most current information. By linking time-tracking data from Harvest to specific Asana tasks, you gain a clear overview of project progress and budget utilization.

  3. Harvest and QuickBooks Integration
  4. The integration with QuickBooks, a renowned accounting software, simplifies financial management for your business. Setting up a Harvest and QuickBooks integration enables a two-way data sync, allowing client and invoice data to be transferred effortlessly between the platforms. This eliminates the need for double data entry, ensuring your financial records are accurate and up-to-date.

  5. Harvest and Jira Integration
  6. Software development teams will find that creating a Harvest and Jira integration is invaluable. Jira is a powerful issue-tracking tool used in agile development, and this integration allows users to link time entries in Harvest to specific Jira issues. This provides insights into the time spent on development tasks and streamlines the billing process, saving time and improving efficiency.

  7. Harvest and Integration
  8. By setting up a Harvest and integration, users can sync data between Harvest and monday, a customizable work operating system. This includes automatically creating and updating projects and tasks in Harvest based on boards and items, making it easier to manage and track time across various projects efficiently.

  9. Harvest and Microsoft Outlook Integration
  10. This integration connects Harvest directly with Microsoft Outlook, bringing time-tracking capabilities into your email inbox. By creating a Harvest and Microsoft Outlook integration users can create and edit time entries, start and stop timers, and manage Harvest projects without leaving their familiar Outlook environment.

Benefits of Harvest Integrations

Adopting Harvest integrations brings a range of advantages that enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of your business operations:

  1. Data Accuracy: By automating data transfer between software solutions, Harvest integrations eliminate manual data entry errors. This ensures that information, such as time entries, expenses, and client details, remains accurate and consistent across different platforms.
  2. Time Efficiency: Harvest integrations save valuable time by automating data sync between systems. This frees up your team's time, allowing them to focus on core business activities and more strategic tasks, ultimately improving productivity.
  3. Enhanced Collaboration: Integrations that sync tasks, projects, and data across tools used by different teams or departments facilitate better collaboration. Even when team members rely on different software, they can still work together effectively, ensuring everyone is on the same page.
  4. Informed Decisions: With Harvest integrations, data flows smoothly between systems, providing a comprehensive view of your operations. This enables better reporting and data analysis, empowering your business to make informed, data-driven decisions with confidence.


Harvest integrations are a powerful way to extend the capabilities of your time-tracking and invoicing software, connecting it seamlessly with other essential business tools. By leveraging these integrations, you can streamline workflows, improve data accuracy, and make more efficient use of your time and resources. With a range of popular integrations available, you can customize your software ecosystem to meet your unique business requirements and drive your operations to new levels of success.

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