• Author(s): Sun Ao, Weilin Zhao, Xu Han, Cheng Yang, Zhiyuan Liu, Chuan Shi, Maosong Sun

Efficient Sequence-Level Pipeline Parallelism for Large Language Model Training addresses the challenges of training large language models (LLMs) efficiently. Traditional methods often struggle with the computational and memory demands of LLMs, leading to inefficiencies. This paper introduces Seq1F1B, a novel approach to sequence-level pipeline parallelism designed to enhance the efficiency of LLM training.

Seq1F1B optimizes the training process by dividing the model into smaller segments and processing these segments in parallel across multiple devices. This method reduces the memory footprint and computational load on individual devices, allowing for more efficient use of resources. The approach also incorporates techniques to minimize communication overhead between devices, further improving training efficiency.

The paper presents a detailed analysis of Seq1F1B’s performance, demonstrating significant improvements over traditional pipeline parallelism methods. Experiments conducted on various LLM architectures show that Seq1F1B achieves faster training times and better resource utilization without compromising model accuracy. The results indicate that Seq1F1B can handle the demands of training large-scale models more effectively than existing methods.

In addition to performance improvements, Seq1F1B offers practical benefits for large-scale model training. The approach is designed to be easily integrated into existing training frameworks, making it accessible for researchers and practitioners. The paper also discusses potential applications of Seq1F1B in various domains, highlighting its versatility and effectiveness. Overall, Seq1F1B represents a significant advancement in the field of LLM training, providing a more efficient and scalable solution for handling the complexities of large-scale models. The findings suggest that Seq1F1B can play a crucial role in advancing the capabilities of LLMs, making it a valuable tool for researchers and developers working with these models.