PolyAI Chatbot

A Complete Guide to PolyAI Chatbot

By Aayushi | June 27, 2024 8:31 am

Chatbots have been around for quite some time in the customer support industry and have helped companies scale up in numerous ways. PolyAI chatbot is one of them and helps call centers deliver best-in-class voice experience. While most companies offer text-based chatbots. PolyAI recognizes voice first and has all its products, services, research and development focused towards voice-based customer support. This guide will give a comprehensive overview of PolyAI chatbot, its key features and benefits.

What is PolyAI Chatbot?

PolyAI chatbot is a software that builds conversational AI tools which are customer-led and allow voice-based conversations between humans and machines that feel natural. It helps design a branded voice and personality that engages users to resolve enquiries. It also authenticates and routes calls, completes transactions, answers questions, takes reservations, and much more, handling fifty-percent of customer needs successfully.

PolyAI chatbot understands customers without them having to repeat their queries over and over again by conversing naturally, allowing them to speak, interrupt, ask questions in between and feel like they are talking to a human.

Key Features of PolyAI Chatbot

Various enterprises have deployed PolyAI chatbot in their customer support strategies due to the amazing features it offers which are discussed below:

  • Natural conversations
  • PolyAI chatbot enables customers to get their queries answered and inquiries resolved through AI-powered voice assistance. These conversations are made to feel natural through powering the AI assistants with the ability to interpret what the customer wants to say. Users can also ask questions in between conversations to clear their doubts which make the whole process more convenient and natural.

  • Complex Technologies
  • It is a tool that makes the best use of spoken language technologies, speech synthesis, and a combination of retrieval and generative AI models to deliver voice-first experiences in any channel. It has a patented approach to dialogue management which enables customers to complete a transaction by conversing in the most natural way.

  • Easy Integrations
  • PolyAI chatbot allows plugging into your existing customer tech stack and saves the time, cost and effort to carry out a tech overhaul. It has previously been integrated into applications like Amazon, Stripe, Gamma, Cisco etc. These integrations help accelerate customer experience by providing out-of-the-box custom integrations which make implementation easy and safe.

  • Multilingual
  • PolyAI chatbot offers its services in 45 different languages as standard, and counting. Currently, its services are available in English, French, German, Spanish, Polish, Portuguese, Swedish, and more. This helps people from different linguistic backgrounds to access its services and reap benefits of voice-based customer service.

  • Systematic Procedure
  • When a customer call is incoming, it is passed to a cloud based digital engagement center and information is also retrieved from the client’s back-end database where through NLU, SLU and Generative AI models, speech synthesis, recognition and dialogue management, the data is processed, and call is finally transferred to the PolyAI portal. This ensures a seamless experience without any technical risk.

Benefits of Using PolyAI Chatbot

PolyAI chatbot offers a multitude of advantages to users in the form of better customer service, employee and customer retention, and increased operational efficiency. Here are 7 benefits of implementing the call center voice AI:

  • Enhanced Customer Experience
  • The chatbot handles most of the routine calls, thereby reducing the wait time for customers and enabling the agents to focus on more high priority calls and on those customers who need their support the most. This allows every customer to be attended to with equal attention and helps provide them with the best resolution to their inquiries. This in turn improves customer service and customer satisfaction.

  • Proactive Resolution
  • PolyAI chatbot actively seeks and collects customer insights which helps allocate resources efficiently and detect patterns in customer enquiries timely. This early detection enables the AI voice assistant to address issues well before they escalate to reduce the number of complaints and hold time and optimize the query resolution process.

  • Employee Retention
  • There is a high call volume at customer service centers and handling it manually is not an easy task. PolyAI chatbot provides the advantage of bulk handling all calls and relieves agents of these tasks, allowing them to focus on more rewarding tasks, and helps them relax a little. This improves work life balance and employees stay around for longer, proving to be beneficial for the company in terms of saved costs of new hires.

  • Cost Reduction
  • PolyAI chatbot is very cost-effective since payment only needs to be made for the time the chatbot is actively working. It caters to customers 24/7 and provides timely assistance, at a reasonable cost. It doesn’t take leaves and high salaries like human agents. It is an ideal solution for tackling customer queries and providing them the best user experience possible.

  • Revenue Generation
  • Revenue losses are not an option for any company. If the query resolution process is handled manually, it might be the case that certain customer calls go unanswered, which is a missed revenue opportunity. To avoid this, PolyAI is the best solution. It manages all calls at unpredictable times as well and even at times when there’s peak call volume. These agents not only prevent revenue loss, but also generate revenue through scheduling appointments, collecting payment information and completing payments that are due.

  • Security
  • There’s always a risk of cyber attacks through customer service calls. This risk, however, is heavily reduced due to PolyAI chatbot, which uses Knowledge-Based Authentication, a method that is secure, reliable and straightforward which provides the surety to customers that their information is kept safe and builds their trust. With this trust, comes brand loyalty and customer retention, proving to be extremely useful to the company.

  • Scalability
  • The chatbot on PolyAI website handles the ever-increasing customer queries much more efficiently than a human agent can. These human agents can then focus on other important tasks and scale customer support without having to hire and onboard new employees which is an extremely lengthy and costly process. This proves to be a differentiating factor from competitors and can be the turning point for a company in terms of growth.

Also Read: Top 10 Uses of Chatbots in Business


Businesses that want to streamline their customer service processes, efficiently handle high call volumes, provide quick query resolution through voice assistance, cut costs and increase their revenue for long term growth should opt for PolyAI chatbot as it is a great means to achieve these goals and optimize user experience in a convenient and time-saving manner.

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