• Author(s): Vishnu Jaganathan, Hannah Hanyun Huang, Muhammad Zubair Irshad, Varun Jampani, Amit Raj, Zsolt Kira

The paper titled “ICE-G: Image Conditional Editing of 3D Gaussian Splats” introduces a novel approach to editing 3D scenes using image-based conditioning. This method addresses the challenge of manipulating 3D content in a user-friendly and intuitive manner. By leveraging image-based guidance, ICE-G enables users to edit 3D scenes without requiring extensive knowledge of 3D modeling tools or complex interfaces.

At the core of ICE-G is a representation of 3D scenes using Gaussian splats. These splats are small, localized 3D primitives that can be efficiently rendered and manipulated. The model learns to map input images to a set of Gaussian splats, effectively encoding the 3D structure and appearance of the scene. This representation allows for flexible and efficient editing operations, as the splats can be easily modified and combined to create new 3D content.

The editing process in ICE-G is guided by image-based conditioning. Users provide a reference image that serves as a target for the desired modifications. The model then analyzes the reference image and extracts relevant features, such as object boundaries, textures, and lighting conditions. These features are used to guide the editing of the Gaussian splats, ensuring that the modifications are consistent with the visual characteristics of the reference image. ICE-G employs a deep learning framework to learn the mapping between images and Gaussian splats. The model is trained on a large dataset of paired images and 3D scenes, allowing it to capture the complex relationships between visual features and 3D structure. During inference, the model takes an input image and generates a set of Gaussian splats that closely match the visual content of the image. Users can then interact with these splats to perform various editing operations, such as adding, removing, or modifying objects in the scene.

Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of ICE-G in enabling intuitive and controllable editing of 3D scenes. The paper provides qualitative examples showcasing the model’s ability to generate realistic and coherent modifications based on image-based conditioning. Additionally, quantitative evaluations highlight the efficiency and scalability of the Gaussian splat representation, making it suitable for real-time editing applications. “ICE-G: Image Conditional Editing of 3D Gaussian Splats” presents a significant advancement in the field of 3D content creation and manipulation. By combining image-based conditioning with a compact and efficient 3D representation, ICE-G offers a user-friendly and accessible approach to editing 3D scenes. This research has potential applications in various domains, including gaming, virtual reality, and computer-aided design, where intuitive and interactive 3D editing tools are highly valuable.