How to use ChatGPT for Image Generation

How to use ChatGPT for Image Generation

By Tanya | Last Updated on June 15th, 2024 8:15 am

ChatGPT, an advanced AI language model by OpenAI, has transformed how we interact with technology. Although ChatGPT is highly praised for its text generation and comprehension abilities, its potential for image creation and analysis is sometimes overlooked. So, now, expanding beyond text, ChatGPT allows users to create images, offers creative ideas, generates captions, and guides the design process, providing them with more options. Regardless of whether you are a designer, marketer, or someone passionate about visual storytelling, learning to use ChatGPT for images can open up exciting opportunities. In this blog, we're going to explore how to automate workflows with ChatGPT, knowing its full potential for enhancing productivity and creativity in handling images.

How to Use ChatGPT for Image Generation With Appy Pie Automate?

Before starting the connect, create a sheet in Google Sheets where the prompts will be entered; this will be the foundation for generating the images.

Prompt list in a sheet

Now, let’s start with a step-by-step process on how to use ChatGPt for image generation.

  1. Sign Up/Login to Appy Pie Automate
  2. Visit Appy Pie Automate and sign up for an account. If you already have an account, log in to proceed.

    How to Integrate Microsoft Teams With ChatGPT

  3. Create a Connect
  4. After signing in, Click on "Create a Connect".

    How to Integrate Microsoft Teams With ChatGPT

  5. Select Trigger App
  6. Select Google Sheets as a Trigger App.

    Select Google sheet as trigger

  7. Select Trigger Event
  8. Select the new spreadsheet row as a trigger event.

    Google sheet trigger event

  9. Link Your Google Sheets Account
  10. Now, link your Google Sheets account to Appy Pie from which the trigger will take place.

    Link trigger app account

  11. Proceed with the Trigger Setup
  12. Now, configure the trigger event settings, which are necessary fields for this connect to occur.

    Trigger setup

  13. Review Trigger Test
  14. Review the trigger test to ensure the connect is triggering from the right data.

    Success trigger test

  15. Select Action App
  16. Select the action app as ChatGPT.

    Select GPT as action app

  17. Select Action Event
  18. Select create images as an action event.

     Select event for GPT as action

  19. Link ChatGPT Account
  20. Add your ChatGPT account and click continue.

    Link GPT account

  21. Add ChatGPt API
  22. Generate and enter the API key for ChatGPT and then click on continue.

    ChatGPT for images

  23. Enter ChatGPT Prompt
  24. Provide a ChatGPT prompt to generate a response as per your requirements.

    Add prompt to set up GPT

  25. Select Action App
  26. Now, add Google Drive as another action app.

    Chatgpt for images

  27. Select the Action Event
  28. Select upload file as an action event.

    Select event for GPT as action

  29. Setup Options for Google Drive Upload File
  30. Configure the required drive options to upload the generated response.

    Add folder and GPT image URL to set up drive

  31. Select Third Action App
  32. Select Google Drive again as the third action app.

    Select Google drive again as 3rd action app

  33. Select Action Event
  34. Now select search event to find the same file.

     select search event to find the same file

  35. Select Your Google Drive Account
  36. Now, link your Google Drive account to Appy Pie.

    Link the google drive account

  37. Setup Option for Google Drive Find a File
  38. Select the file name and proceed.

    Select the file name and proceed

  39. Run Test
  40. Run the test and click on edit.

    Run test done - Go back and edit

  41. Select Google Sheets as the Fourth Action App
  42. Select Google Sheet as the fourth action app to get the image link on the sheet.

    Select google sheet as 4th action app

  43. Select Action Event for Google Sheets
  44. Select create spreadsheet row as the action event.

    Select spreadsheet event

  45. Setup Options for Google Sheets Create Spreadsheet Row
  46. Set up details of sheet and URL of Drive file link.

    Set up details of sheet and URL of Drive file link

  47. Final Run Test
  48. Click continue and perform a final test to ensure everything is working correctly.

    Success continue run test

  49. Result on Sheet
  50. Result on sheet

  51. Image Generated
  52. Image generation with chatgpt

Following a successful test run, the image URL is updated on the sheet, and a picture based on the prompt we provided is generated.

Popular ChatGPT Integrations

ChatGPT can be integrated with hundreds of apps using Appy Pie Automate. Some of the best and most popular ChatGPT integrations are listed below:

  1. ChatGPT Integration with Microsoft Excel
  2. By creating a ChatGPT integration with Microsoft Excel, you can set up a powerful workflow where actions in Excel trigger responses from ChatGPT. For instance, when a new row is added to your table, Excel can automatically send this data to ChatGPT and display the generated response right in your spreadsheet. This integration not only automates interactions between your data and AI but also provides immediate insights, making it easier to analyze and act on information directly within your familiar Excel environment.

  3. ChatGPT Integration with Salesforce
  4. Creating a ChatGPT integration with Salesforce helps to automate intelligent responses to new records. When a new record is created in Salesforce, the integration can automatically trigger ChatGPT to generate relevant insights or suggestions. This setup helps your team quickly understand and act on new information, improving efficiency and decision-making directly within your Salesforce environment.

  5. ChatGPT Integration with WhatsApp Business
  6. By creating a ChatGPT integration with WhatsApp Business, you can automate responses to incoming messages. When a new message is received, the integration triggers ChatGPT to generate a reply, which is then automatically sent back to the customer. This setup helps streamline customer interactions, providing quick and relevant responses without manual intervention, ensuring efficient customer service directly through WhatsApp.

  7. ChatGPT and Gmail Integration
  8. The ChatGPT and Gmail integration allows users to automate responses to new emails using ChatGPT's advanced language capabilities. Set it up so that whenever you receive a new email, ChatGPT can generate a complete, context-aware reply. This integration simplifies managing your inbox by providing intelligent, prompt responses, making email communication more efficient and less time-consuming.

Benefits of Using ChatGPT for Image Generation

While ChatGPT is known for its text-based capabilities, it can also be used as a powerful tool for image generation. Let's explore some of the benefits of using this approach:

  1. Accessibility and User-Friendliness: Generating images through text prompts with ChatGPT is much easier than learning complex image editing software. This makes image creation accessible to a wider range of users, regardless of their technical skills.
  2. Creative Freedom and Exploration: ChatGPT allows you to experiment with different artistic styles and concepts by simply describing your desired image. This opens up a world of creative possibilities and helps you explore new ideas.
  3. Customization and Control: You can provide detailed descriptions and specifications to ChatGPT, ensuring the generated image closely aligns with your vision. This level of control is often difficult to achieve with traditional image editing tools.
  4. Iteration and Refinement: If the initial image isn't perfect, you can provide further instructions to ChatGPT to refine the output. This iterative process allows you to achieve the desired result efficiently.
  5. Cost-Effectiveness: Using ChatGPT for image generation can be a cost-effective solution compared to hiring professional designers or purchasing expensive software. This is especially beneficial for small businesses, entrepreneurs, and individuals on a budget.


To sum up, ChatGPT has shown to be an effective tool for creating and modifying photos. With the right knowledge of ChatGPT's features and limitations, you can use it to produce original visual content. ChatGPT may be a useful tool in your picture creation process, helping with everything from creating image descriptions to suggesting edits and inspiring creative ideas. As you investigate the potential of this AI language model, don't forget to try new things, improve, and enjoy yourself. You can push the limits of your visual storytelling and produce eye-catching visuals that connect with your audience when ChatGPT is on your side. Accept the possibilities of AI-assisted image production and let your imagination reach new heights.

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