Blog Article

How To Prepare Customized Chatbot Flow?

Prerna Pundir
By Prerna Pundir | Last Updated on June 9th, 2024 4:41 am

AI chatbots are changing customer interactions, making them smoother and more personalized. They provide instant responses, improve user engagement, and can be customized to meet various business needs. Creating an effective AI chatbot requires understanding its nodes, as these are the building blocks of your chatbot. In this blog, we'll guide you through the different types of conversation nodes available in the Appy Pie chatbot flow editor.

Understanding these nodes will help you create an effective and engaging chatbot flow, enhance user experiences and meet your specific needs. Whether you're looking to gather user input, schedule appointments, or provide information, these nodes are essential components that will streamline your chatbot's functionality. Let's explore each node and learn how they can be utilized to build a powerful chatbot.

Different Types of Conversation Nodes For Your Chatbot Flow

Conversational AI chatbot are powered by a diverse array of specialized nodes, each of which is designed to serve a specific purpose and enhance the user experience. These nodes can be categorized into various types, catering to different aspects of the chatbot interaction. Let's dig into the key nodes that can elevate your chatbot's capabilities and deliver exceptional customer experiences.

  1. Get User Input Node

  2. Get User Input

    This node lets you ask users for information, like their name, phone number, or what they think about something. You can use it to get important details from users and make their experience more personal.

    Example: If you're building a customer support chatbot, you can use the Get User Input node to ask for the user's name and order number to provide personalized assistance.

  3. Bot Message Node

  4. Bot Message

    This node is used to show messages to the user. It's important for giving information, instructions, or answers to what the user asks. You can change the message to include text, pictures, and other things to make it look more helpful.

    Example: Use this node to say hello to users when they start talking to your chatbot or give them step-by-step instructions.

  5. File Upload Node

  6. File Upload

    This node lets users upload files, images, and videos. It's helpful when you need to get content from users or let them share media with your chatbot. It makes it easy to get and store files right in the chat.

    Example: If you're making a chatbot for customer support, you can use this node to let users upload screenshots or documents about their questions.

  7. Appointment Node

  8. Appointment

    This node makes it easy for users to schedule appointments or meetings through your chatbot. It works with calendar tools and lets users pick available times to book appointments. It's great for businesses that offer consultations, reservations, or service appointments.

    Example: A beauty salon chatbot can use this node to let customers schedule their services right in the chat.

  9. Date Picker Node

  10. Date Picker

    This node gives users an easy way to pick a specific date. It's useful for scheduling events, setting reminders, or booking appointments. The node shows a user-friendly date picker, making it simple for users to choose the date they want.

    Example: A medical clinic chatbot can use this node to let patients choose their preferred appointment date from available times.

  11. Request Callback Node

  12. Request Callback

    This node works with calendar tools like Calendly to let users ask for a callback. It allows users to pick a good time for a callback, making it easier to schedule phone calls or meetings. This node is useful when you need to talk to users outside of the chatbot.

    Example: A sales chatbot can use this node to let potential customers schedule a callback with a salesperson at a time that works for them.

  13. Get Name Node

  14. Get

    This node is used to get the user's name. It's a simple but helpful way to make the chatbot experience more personal and call users by their names during the conversation. This node can be used to keep records or to make the chat more personalized.

    Example: Use this node at the start of the conversation to greet users with their names and make the chat more personal.

  15. Get Phone Node

  16. Get Phone

    This node lets you get the user's phone number while talking to the chatbot. It's useful when you need to call users outside of the chatbot or to verify who they are. This node makes sure you have a way to directly contact your users when needed.

    Example: An e-commerce chatbot can use this node during checkout to get the customer's contact information for order updates and delivery.

  17. Get Email Node

  18. Get Email

    This node lets you get the user's email address. It's a valuable node for things like newsletter sign-ups, creating accounts, or sending transaction emails. By getting the user's email address, you can communicate with them outside of the chatbot.

    Example: A lead generation chatbot can use this node to collect email addresses of interested people for future marketing.

  19. Get Address Node

  20. Get Address

    This node lets you collect the user's address information. It's especially useful for businesses that deliver things or need location information. By getting the user's address, you can give them more accurate and relevant information or services.

    Example: A food delivery chatbot can use this node to get the customer's delivery address for easy order processing.

  21. Get Location Node

  22. Get Location

    This node uses the Google Maps API to get the user's current location or any location they want to choose. It's a powerful node for giving location-specific information or services. By using the user's location, you can offer personalized recommendations, directions, or nearby places of interest.

    Example: A travel chatbot can use this node to tell users about nearby attractions, restaurants, or transportation options based on where they are.

  23. Gender Node

  24. Gender

    This node lets users choose their gender. It's useful for collecting information about users or giving responses based on gender preferences. By knowing the user's gender, you can customize the conversation and offer relevant content or recommendations.

    Example: A fashion chatbot can use this node to give personalized styling suggestions or product recommendations based on the user's chosen gender.

  25. Get Country Node

  26. Get Country

    This node shows users a list of countries to choose from. It's valuable for businesses that work in different countries or need country-specific information. By knowing the user's country, you can provide localized content, shipping options, or currency preferences.

    Example: An e-commerce chatbot can use this node to show product catalogs or shipping rates based on the user's selected country.

  27. Currency Node

  28. Currency

    This node lets users choose their preferred currency from a list of options. It's especially useful for e-commerce platforms or financial apps that involve multiple currencies. By providing a currency selection option, you can make the user experience better and make transactions smoother.

    Example: A travel booking chatbot can use this node to let users view prices and make payments in their preferred currency.

  29. Send Files Node

  30. This node is similar to the File Upload node and lets users upload files. It's useful when users need to submit documents, share images, or provide data files. This node makes it easy to collect and store files from users.

    Example: A job application chatbot can use this node to let applicants upload their resumes or portfolios right in the chat.

  31. NPS Survey Node

  32. NPS Survey

    This node lets you do Net Promoter Score (NPS) surveys within the chatbot conversation. NPS surveys are valuable for measuring customer loyalty and satisfaction by asking users how likely they are to recommend your product or service. This node makes it easy to collect NPS feedback and learn about customer feelings.

    Example: A customer support chatbot can use this node at the end of a conversation to get feedback on the user's experience and find areas to improve.

  33. Button Node

  34. Button

    This node shows users clickable buttons to choose from. It's an easy way for users to give input or make selections. Buttons can be used to show options, collect decisions, or move between different parts of the conversation. They provide a user-friendly and interactive experience.

    Example: A restaurant chatbot can use this node to let users choose their preferred cuisine type, dietary preferences, or order options.

  35. Survey Node

  36. Survey

    This node lets you create custom surveys or evaluations within the chatbot conversation. It's a flexible node that can be used for various purposes, such as market research, user feedback collection, or assessments. You can design your survey questions and response options to gather specific insights from users.

    Example: A customer feedback chatbot can use this node to collect user opinions on new features, usability, or overall satisfaction with the product.

Also Read: How To Create Customer Feedback Chatbot


Understanding and effectively utilizing the different conversation nodes in the Appy Pie chatbot flow editor is crucial for creating a powerful and engaging chatbot. These nodes allow you to gather user input, schedule appointments, upload files, and more, enabling you to meet various business needs. By integrating nodes such as Get User Input, Bot Message, File Upload, and Appointment, you can enhance user experiences, provide personalized interactions, and streamline operations. Whether you're in customer support, sales, or service-based industries, these nodes are essential tools to elevate your chatbot’s capabilities and deliver exceptional customer service.

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