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How to Integrate Notion with Todoist?

By Ruchi | May 30, 2024 5:23 pm

Individuals and businesses constantly seek tools to enhance their organization, productivity, and efficiency. Two such powerhouses in management and note-taking are Notion and Todoist. Notion, a versatile workspace platform, offers users an all-in-one solution for notes, documents, projects, and collaboration. With its intuitive block-based system, users can create customized workspaces tailored to their unique needs.

On the other hand, Todoist is one of the best productivity apps, providing users with a simple and elegant way to keep track of tasks, projects, and goals. Its user-friendly interface and powerful features make it a favorite among individuals and teams striving for improved productivity.

While both platforms excel in their respective domains, the true potential unfolds when they integrate, allowing users to seamlessly combine the strengths of both tools. Notion and Todoist integrations empower users to create seamless workflows, automate tasks, and centralize their information, resulting in enhanced productivity and streamlined processes.

By the end of this article, you'll have a comprehensive understanding of these integrations, their benefits, steps to integrate these platforms, and popular combinations to help you decide how to best utilize these tools for your unique needs.

What are Notion Integrations?

Notion integrations allow you to connect third-party apps and services to your Notion workspace, enabling you to extend its functionality and create a more customized experience. With integrations, you can pull data from external sources, automate tasks, and centralize information from various tools into your Notion pages.

Additionally, when you're learning how to build a website on Notion, you'll discover that you can design and host websites directly on the platform without the need for complex coding. This feature allows you to create professional-looking sites that are seamlessly integrated with your other Notion content, making it a one-stop shop for your projects.

Suggested reads: Are you still figuring out which productivity tool to choose? Read our in-depth comparison of "ClickUp vs. Notion" to make an informed decision.

What are Todoist Integrations?

Todoist integrations are a productivity game-changer, connecting your task management system with the other tools you use daily. These integrations are designed to enhance your efficiency by allowing you to create tasks, view due dates, and synchronize data across platforms. Todoist offers a wide range of native integrations, and its compatibility with automation platforms, such as Appy Pie, further extends its capabilities.

When exploring how to use Todoist effectively, you'll discover that integrations play a crucial role. By connecting Todoist with your email, for instance, you can turn emails into tasks, set due dates, and ensure important messages aren't lost in your inbox. Similarly, integrating Todoist with your calendar provides a comprehensive view of your tasks alongside your schedule, helping you stay organized and focused.

How to integrate Notion with Todoist?


To give you a brief overview of the integration of these two platforms, a new task is updated on your Notion dashboard with the necessary details, now you want a reminder to be set on Todoist. Hence, you will automate this task by integrating Notion with Todoist. So, let’s explore the steps to integrate the two ticketing platforms, Notion and Todoist:

  1. Appy Pie Homepage

  2. homepage

    Go to Appy Pie Automate’s website and explore the Connects to make your workflow seamless.

  3. Log in/Sign up

  4. login

    After exploring the homepage, log in to start your Connect, if you don’t have an account you can sign up as well.

  5. Create a Connect

  6. create-connect

    After logging in you will be redirected to the dashboard. Simply click the “Create a Connect” button to start the process.

  7. Select the Trigger App

  8. trigger-app

    Now, type “Notion” on the search bar and select it as the Trigger App.

  9. Select the Trigger Event

  10. trigger-event

    Next, you have to select the Trigger event. Select the “New or Updated Database Item” box. This will trigger the moment a new item is created in a database. Then click “Continue”.

  11. Connect Your Notion Account

  12. notion-account

    Next, connect your Notion account. Simply click on the “Connect Your Account” button or if you already have an account that is connected, just click on that.

  13. Set up Trigger-Event

  14. set-up-notion

    In this step, you have to fill in the “Database” field. Then click “Continue and Run Test”.

  15. Select the Action App

  16. action-app

    Next, you have to set up the Action App. You will select “Todoist” as your Action App to get updates on meetings and tasks.

  17. Select an Action Event

  18. action-event

    The next step is to select the Action Event. As for your case, you will select “Create Task”. Then click “Continue”.

  19. Connect Todoist Account

  20. todoist-account

    To move further with this Connect, you have to connect your Todoist account. Simply click “Connect an Account”.

  21. Set up Action-Event

  22. action-event

    After setting up the account, set up the options by filling in the “Project” and “Title” fields according to your needs. Then click “Continue and Run Test”.

  23. Apps Connected

  24. connected

    Notion and Todoist will be connected. You can either edit the Connect or move to the Dashboard. Also, you can check the status of your Connect.

  25. Result

  26. result

    Here is a demonstration of the way this Connect will work. You can see, that the minute a new task is updated on your Notion account, a reminder will be created on your Todoist account.

Following this process, it will be easy for you to keep track of all the meetings and tasks you will be assigned. You don’t have to create a reminder manually, this Connect will create the same for you.

What are the benefits of integrating Notition with Todoist?

Integrating Notion with Todoist offers a multitude of advantages, enhancing your workflow and boosting overall productivity. Here are some key benefits:

  1. Seamless Task Management
  2. By connecting Notion and Todoist, you can transform your project plans and notes into actionable tasks. For instance, you can create a task in Todoist directly from a project outlined in Notion, ensuring that ideas are promptly turned into actionable steps.

  3. Centralized Information
  4. Integrations allow you to access relevant information from both platforms in one place. For example, you can view your Todoist tasks within Notion, ensuring that your project plans, notes, and tasks are all centralized, reducing the need to switch between platforms constantly.

  5. Automated Workflows
  6. Automating tasks between the two platforms saves time and effort. For instance, you can set up automation to create a new row in a Notion database each time a task is completed in Todoist, automatically updating your project progress.

  7. Enhanced Collaboration
  8. Integrations improve collaboration between team members. When tasks are created in Todoist from a shared Notion project, team members can instantly view and act on their assigned tasks, fostering better communication and streamlined workflows.

  9. Customized Functionality
  10. Integrations allow you to tailor the functionality of both platforms to your unique needs. For example, you can set up specific triggers and actions through Appy Pie to customize how information is shared and synchronized between Notion and Todoist.

These two platforms shine when integrated with other popular tools, enhancing your overall productivity and workflow. So, let's explore some of the most popular and beneficial integrations for each platform.

Other Notion Integrations

  1. Notion and Salesforce Integration
  2. By creating a Notion and Salesforce integration, your sales and CRM data will get connected from Salesforce with your Notion workspace. It allows you to pull Salesforce reports, opportunities, and customer data directly into Notion, enabling seamless sales pipeline management and improved collaboration between sales and other teams.

  3. HubSpot and Notion Integration
  4. By setting up a HubSpot and Notion integration, you can synchronize your CRM data, marketing content, and sales collateral. This integration enhances collaboration between marketing and sales teams, ensuring everyone works with the most up-to-date content and has access to the latest customer information.

  5. Notion and GitHub Integration
  6. Creating a Notion and GitHub integration connects your GitHub code repository with Notion. It allows you to embed GitHub files, pull requests, and issues directly into your Notion pages, facilitating seamless collaboration between developers and providing a centralized location for documentation and code-related discussions.

  7. ClickUp and Notion Integration
  8. Setting up a ClickUp with Notion integration brings task management and project planning together. This integration enables you to synchronize tasks, due dates, and project plans, ensuring that updates made in one platform are reflected in the other, providing a comprehensive view of your projects.

  9. Notion and Discord Integration
  10. Creating a Notion and Discord integration bridges the gap between your Notion workspace and Discord server, allowing you to share content and updates between the two platforms. You can automatically post Discord messages to a Notion page or database, ensuring that important discussions and updates are documented and easily accessible.

Other Todoist Integrations

  1. Asana and Todoist Integration
  2. Setting up an Asana and Todoist integration connects two powerful task management systems. By synchronizing Asana and Todoist, you can ensure that tasks, due dates, and project plans are up-to-date across both platforms, providing a seamless experience for users who prefer different interfaces.

  3. Todoist and Google Calendar Integration
  4. Creating a Todoist and Google Calendar integration allows you to view your tasks alongside your schedule, providing a comprehensive overview of your day. Completed tasks in Todoist can be automatically removed from your calendar, keeping your agenda clear and focused.

  5. Todoist and Gmail Integration
  6. Setting up a Todoist and Gmail integration brings task management into your Gmail inbox. You can create tasks directly from emails, set due dates, and even attach relevant messages to tasks, ensuring that important emails don't get lost in the shuffle.

  7. Todoist and Slack Integration
  8. Creating a Todoist and Slack integration brings task management into your team's communication workflow. You can create tasks from Slack messages, stay updated on task progress, and even receive reminders for upcoming due dates, all without leaving the Slack interface.

  9. Airtable and Todoist Integration
  10. Setting up an Airtable and Todoist integration connects your task management system with Airtable's flexible database. By synchronizing data between the two platforms, you can ensure that tasks created in Airtable are reflected in Todoist, providing a seamless way to manage projects and tasks across multiple platforms.


Integrating Notion and Todoist unlocks a new level of productivity and efficiency for individuals and teams. By combining the strengths of these two powerful tools, you can create seamless workflows, automate tasks, and centralize information. With the benefits and popular integrations outlined above, you now have a solid foundation to explore and customize your integrations, tailoring them to your unique needs and workflow.

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