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How to Integrate ConnectWise with Jira?

By Ruchi | June 18, 2024 3:00 pm

ConnectWise and Jira are two powerful software tools that each bring unique capabilities to the table for businesses. ConnectWise offers an extensive managed services platform, often used by IT teams and managed service providers (MSPs) to streamline the management of their services and improve customer satisfaction. On the other hand, Jira is an issue-tracking and project management tool, commonly used in agile development environments to track bugs, manage projects, and plan releases.

Both tools have dedicated user bases, but when used together, they can offer even more value, especially to businesses with complex IT and development operations. By integrating ConnectWise with Jira, businesses can automate processes, improve collaboration between teams, and gain deeper insights from the data each platform provides.

This article will explore the benefits of integrating these two platforms, highlight some of the most popular integration options, and provide a step-by-step guide to help you get started with your own ConnectWise and Jira integration.

What are ConnectWise Integrations?

ConnectWise integrations allow users to connect their managed services platform with other software tools and services they use every day. These integrations enable the seamless transfer of data between systems, improving efficiency and reducing manual effort. For example, integrating ConnectWise with your accounting software can automate billing processes, saving time and reducing errors.

ConnectWise offers a range of pre-built integrations with popular software, as well as an open API that allows users to create custom integrations to suit their unique needs.

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What are Jira Integrations?

Similar to ConnectWise, Jira integrations allow users to connect their issue-tracking and project-management tools with other software and services. Jira integrations can automate various tasks, such as creating and updating issues, tracking time, and managing projects, ultimately improving team productivity and efficiency.

Jira also offers a range of pre-built integrations and an open API, providing users with flexibility and the ability to customize their software ecosystem.

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How to integrate ConnectWise PSA with Jira?


To give you a brief overview of the integration of these two platforms, a new ticket is raised on your ConnectWise PSA dashboard with the necessary details, now you want it to be redirected to the Jira platform for the IT team to check the issue and rectify the same immediately. For this, you will be integrating ConnectWise PSA with Jira to ease your workflow. So, let’s explore the steps to integrate the two platforms:

  1. Appy Pie Homepage
  2. homepage

    Go to Appy Pie Automate’s Website and explore the Connects to make your workflow seamless.

  3. Log in/Sign up
  4. login

    After exploring the homepage, log in to start your Connect, if you don’t have an account you can sign up as well.

  5. Create a Connect
  6. connect

    After logging in you will be redirected to the dashboard. Simply click the “Create a Connect” icon to start the process.

  7. Select the Trigger App
  8. trigger-app

    Now, type “ConnectWise PSA” on the search bar and select it as the Trigger App.

  9. Select the Trigger Event
  10. trigger-event

    Next, you have to select the Trigger event. Select the “New or Updated Ticket” box. This will trigger the moment a new ticket is created or updated. Then click “Continue”.

  11. Connect Your ConnectWise PSA Account
  12. connect-account

    Next, connect your ConnectWise PSA account. Simply click on the “Connect Your Account” button or if you already have an account that is connected, just click on that.

  13. Authorize Connectwise PSA Account
  14. authorize

    Now, you have to fill in the necessary details and then click “Yes, Continue” to move further.

  15. Set up Trigger-Event
  16. set-up-trigger

    In this step, you have to fill in the “Notes Type” field. Then click “Continue and Run Test”.

  17. Test
  18. trigger-test

    Here you can view the latest record of your Connectwise PSA account to see if your Connect is triggering from the right data.

  19. Select the Action App
  20. action-app

    Next, you have to set up the Action App. You will select “Jira” as your Action App to get updates on new tickets that have been created or updated.

  21. Select an Action Event
  22. action-event

    The next step is to select the Action Event. As for your case, you will select “Create Issue”. Then click “Continue”.

  23. Connect Jira Account
  24. jira-account

    To move further with this Connect, you have to connect your Jira account. Simply click “Connect an Account”.

  25. Set up Action-Event
  26. set-up-action

    After setting up the account, set up the options by filling in the “Site Name”, “Project”, and “Issue Type” fields according to your needs.

  27. Set up Summary and Description
  28. summary

    It is important to fill in the “Summary” and “Description” fields to give a clear picture of the Connect. Then click “Continue and Run Test”.

  29. Apps Connected
  30. connected

    Connectwise PSA and Jira will be connected. You can either edit the Connect or move to the Dashboard. Also, you can check the status of your Connect.

  31. Result
  32. result

    Here is a demonstration of the way this Connect will work. You can see, that the minute a new ticket is created on Connectwise PSA, an issue with the description and summary is updated on the Jira platform.

Following this process, it will be easy for you to keep track of all the new and updated tickets. Plus, it would be all the more easy for the developers to complete the task assigned to them. You don’t have to keep reminding them for the same, they will receive the issue details and can finish the task in time.

Benefits of Integrating ConnectWise with Jira

By integrating ConnectWise and Jira, businesses can realize several advantages that improve collaboration, efficiency, and decision-making. Here are some of the key benefits:

  1. Improved Collaboration
  2. Integrating these tools breaks down silos between IT and development teams, allowing them to work more collaboratively. With a connected system, it's easier to track and manage issues that span across these teams, leading to faster resolution times and improved customer satisfaction.

  3. Automated Data Transfer
  4. With integration in place, data can be automatically transferred between ConnectWise and Jira, eliminating manual data entry and reducing the risk of errors. This saves time and ensures that both systems always have up-to-date, accurate information.

  5. Enhanced Reporting and Insights
  6. By combining the data from ConnectWise and Jira, businesses can gain deeper insights into their operations. This enables better decision-making and can help identify areas for improvement, ultimately leading to more efficient processes and improved performance.

  7. Streamlined Project Management
  8. Integrating these tools allows for a more holistic view of projects, with all relevant information easily accessible in one place. This streamlines project management, making it easier to track progress, manage resources, and ensure that projects are delivered on time and within scope.

Popular ConnectWise and Jira Integrations

There are several ways to integrate ConnectWise with Jira, and the specific approach will depend on the unique needs of your business. Here are some of the most popular ConnectWise and Jira integrations:

Other ConnectWise Integrations

  1. ConnectWise and ServiceNow integration
  2. This integration synchronizes data between ConnectWise, a leading managed services platform, and ServiceNow, a powerful IT service management solution. By creating a ConnectWise and ServiceNow integration, businesses can automate ticket management, improve IT asset management, and gain a comprehensive view of their IT operations. This integration improves efficiency, ensures data consistency, and enables better decision-making.

  3. Salesforce and ConnectWise integration
  4. Integrating ConnectWise with Salesforce CRM allows sales and service data to work together seamlessly. Setting up a Salesforce and ConnectWise integration enables a 360-degree view of the customer, providing valuable insights that can improve sales processes and enhance customer service. Automating data transfer between these two platforms ensures that both teams have access to the most up-to-date information, leading to more effective engagement and improved customer relationships.

  5. ConnectWise and Microsoft Teams integration
  6. Bringing ConnectWise data into Microsoft Teams improves collaboration and efficiency. By creating a ConnectWise and Microsoft Teams integration, users can access ConnectWise information directly within the Teams interface, quickly resolve issues, and collaborate in real time without switching platforms. This streamlines communication and ensures that everyone is working with the same, accurate data.

  7. Freshservice and ConnectWise integration
  8. Freshservice is a popular IT service management solution, and its integration with ConnectWise focuses on ticket, contact, and account synchronization. Setting up a Freshservice and ConnectWise integration improves the efficiency of IT service management and customer support by ensuring data consistency and providing a seamless experience for IT teams and end-users.

  9. ConnectWise and NetSuite integration
  10. By connecting ConnectWise with NetSuite's cloud business management software, businesses can automate financial processes and gain real-time visibility into their financial health. Creating a ConnectWise and NetSuite integration streamlines billing, invoicing, and accounting practices, providing accurate and up-to-date financial data that improves decision-making and drives business growth.

Other Jira Integrations

  1. Jira and Salesforce integration
  2. This integration connects Jira with the powerful Salesforce CRM. By aligning development and sales operations, businesses can automate data flow between the two platforms, improving efficiency and ensuring that sales and customer-facing teams have access to the most current information. Setting up a Jira and Salesforce integration enables better collaboration and provides a more comprehensive view of the customer.

  3. ServiceNow and Jira integration
  4. With the ServiceNow and Jira integration, businesses can automate the creation and updating of Jira issues based on ServiceNow incidents. This improves collaboration between IT and development teams, ensuring that issues are quickly identified, tracked, and resolved. It also provides a seamless flow of data between the two platforms, improving overall efficiency.

  5. Jira and GitHub integration
  6. Jira's integration with GitHub, a leading code hosting platform, automates various development tasks. By creating a Jira and GitHub integration, teams can create branches, link commits, and manage pull requests more efficiently, leading to faster release cycles and improved productivity for developers. This integration also improves collaboration and ensures that code changes are properly tracked and managed.

  7. and Jira integration
  8. Integrating Jira with's Work OS brings Jira issues into a more comprehensive project management environment. Setting up a and Jira integration provides additional context and a broader view of projects and tasks, improving collaboration and enabling more efficient work management. It also allows teams to leverage the strengths of both platforms, ensuring a seamless workflow.

  9. ClickUp and Jira integration
  10. The ClickUp and Jira integration focuses on task and issue management, providing a seamless experience for users of both platforms. With automated task and issue creation and updates, this integration improves productivity and ensures that teams can work effectively within their preferred platform while still benefiting from the strengths of the other.

These integrations highlight the flexibility and potential of combining ConnectWise and Jira with other popular software tools. Each integration serves a unique purpose, improving specific processes and enhancing the overall user experience.


Integrating ConnectWise with Jira offers a range of benefits that can improve collaboration, automate processes, and provide valuable insights. By breaking down data silos and connecting these two powerful tools, businesses can streamline their operations and improve efficiency across the board. With the right integration strategy and a clear understanding of your goals, you can leverage the power of these integrations to drive success and improve overall performance.

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