how to create table of content

How To Create Table of Content: A Perfect Guide for Beginners

By Jayesh | Last Updated on June 25th, 2024 6:32 am

Creating a table of contents (TOC) might seem like a mundane task, but it’s a crucial element for any well-organized document. Whether you're working on a detailed report, a comprehensive eBook, a research paper, or even a lengthy blog post, a TOC not only enhances readability but also provides a roadmap for your readers. It allows them to easily navigate your content, finding the information they need quickly and efficiently.

In this blog, we'll dive deep into the art of crafting a table of contents that’s both functional and visually appealing. We’ll cover everything from the basic principles to advanced tips and AI Design Tools that can simplify the process. By the end of this guide, you'll have a clear understanding of how to create a TOC that enhances your document's structure and improves the overall reader experience.

The Fundamental Idea Behind Creating a Table of Content

The fundamental idea behind creating a table of contents (TOC) is to provide a clear, organized roadmap for your document. A TOC serves several essential purposes:

  • Enhancing Readability and Navigation: A TOC helps readers quickly locate specific sections or topics within a document without having to scroll through the entire content. This is particularly useful in lengthy documents, where finding information manually can be time-consuming and frustrating.
  • Organizing Content: A TOC reflects the hierarchical structure of the document, showing the relationship between sections and subsections. This organization helps readers understand the flow of the content and the importance of different parts.
  • Improving User Experience: By offering a straightforward way to jump to various sections, a TOC enhances the overall user experience. Readers can easily access the information they are most interested in, making the document more user-friendly and accessible.
  • Professionalism and Presentation: A well-structured TOC adds a level of professionalism to your document. It shows that the content is thoughtfully organized and that the author has taken the time to make the document as accessible as possible.
  • Efficiency for Revisions and Updates: For authors and editors, a TOC is a useful medium for managing the document. It provides a quick overview of the content, making it easier to locate sections that need updates or revisions.

How To Create a Table of Content Using Appy Pie’s Table of Content Maker

Creating a Table of Contents using Appy Pie's Table of Content Maker is straightforward. Follow these detailed steps to make your own customized Table of Contents.

Step 1: Navigate to Appy Pie AI Table of Contents Maker Page

how to create a table - step 1

First, open your web browser and go to the Appy Pie website. Look for the Table of Contents Maker tool on their site and click on it to access the page.

Step 2: Enter Your Desired Content

how to create a table - step 2

Next, think about the headings and subheadings you need for your Table of Contents. Enter these into the prompt box provided on the page. This is where you outline the structure of your document.

Step 3: Choose from Pre-Designed Templates (Optional)

how to create a table - step 3

If you want a quick start, you can choose from a variety of pre-designed table of content templates available on the platform. These templates can help you visualize your Table of Contents and save you time.

Step 4: Sign Up or Log In to Your Appy Pie Design Account

how to create a table - step 4

To continue, you will need to sign up or log in to your Appy Pie Design account. This step ensures your work is saved and you have access to all the features the tool offers.

Step 5: Access the Dashboard/Editor Page

how to create a table - step 5

Once you are logged in, you will be directed to the dashboard or editor page. Here, you will either see the template you selected or a blank editor if you decide to start from scratch.

Step 6: Customize Your Text

how to create a table - step 6

In the editor, you can add new text or modify the existing text. Make sure to customize your headings and subheadings to match the structure of your document.

Step 7: Add Stock Images from Appy Pie’s Library

how to create a table - step 7

To make your Table of Contents more visually appealing, you can add stock images from Appy Pie Design’s library. These images can enhance the overall look and feel of your document.

Step 8: Enhance Your Table of Contents with Design Elements

how to create a table - step 8

You can further enhance your Table of Contents by adding various design elements such as shapes, icons, or borders. These elements can make your document look more professional.

Step 9: Upload Your Own Images

how to create a table - step 9

If you have specific images or logos that you want to include, you can upload them directly into the editor. This allows you to personalize your Table of Contents with your graphics.

Step 10: Finalize and Download Your Table of Contents

how to create a table - step 10

After you are satisfied with all your edits and customizations, click on the download button.

Step 11: Choose Your Preferred File Format

how to create a table - step 11

Finally, select the image file format you prefer for your download, such as PNG or JPEG. Once you've chosen the format, save the finished Table of Contents to your computer.

  • table of content templates
  • table of content templates
  • table of content templates
  • table of content templates

Suggested Read: Image File Formats: Guide For Choosing the Right Image Format

Tips for Designing Table of Contents for Your Project

Creating a perfect table of contents (TOC) can greatly enhance the readability and professionalism of your work. For instance, AI Background Maker can be useful in creating backgrounds for the table of contents to enhance its outlook. This tool helps to make your TOC more visually appealing and professional. Here are some tips to ensure your TOC is effective and polished. 

Start with a Clear Structure

  • Outline First: Before you create your TOC, outline your document. This helps you organize your content logically and ensures that your TOC will reflect the flow of your document.
  • Hierarchy: Use headings and subheadings to create a clear hierarchy. Major sections should have primary headings, with subsections under secondary headings, and so on.

Be Consistent with Formatting

  • Fonts and Styles: Use consistent fonts and styles for headings and subheadings. This helps maintain a professional look. You can use AI Font Generator to create a font of your choice suitable for your TOC.
  • Alignment: Ensure all entries in your TOC are aligned properly. Left align your main headings and use indentations for subheadings.

Use Page Numbers

  • Accuracy: Ensure the page numbers in your TOC match the actual page numbers in your document. This may require updating the TOC if changes are made to the content.
  • Leaders: Use dotted or dashed leaders to connect headings to page numbers, which enhances readability.

Make It Interactive (for Digital Documents)

  • Hyperlinks: In digital documents, make your TOC entries clickable so readers can jump directly to sections. This is especially useful for eBooks, PDFs, and online content.

Keep It Concise

  • Relevance: Include only the main sections and subsections. Avoid cluttering your TOC with too many details.
  • Length: Aim to fit your TOC on one or two pages to maintain a clean and accessible format.

Use Tools and Its Features

  • Enhance With Tools: When creating a table of contents, the AI Graph Maker tool can be useful for generating graph images to include in it. Use these tools to save time and ensure accuracy.
  • Templates: Utilize templates to ensure a professional design and layout.

Review and Revise

  • Proofread: Check for typos, inaccuracies, and inconsistencies. A TOC with errors can undermine the credibility of your document.
  • Update: If you make significant changes to your document, always update your TOC to reflect these changes.

Visual Appeal

  • Spacing: Ensure there is enough spacing between entries to make the TOC easy to read.
  • Design Elements: Consider adding subtle design elements like lines or shading to differentiate sections and improve visual appeal. Users can leverage the AI Infographic Maker tool to create a visual representation of their data.

Consider the Reader

  • Clarity: Use clear and concise titles that accurately reflect the content of each section.
  • Usability: Think about how your readers will use the TOC. Make it as user-friendly as possible.

Test It Out

  • Feedback: If possible, get feedback from others. They might spot issues you missed and provide suggestions for improvement.
  • Navigation: For digital documents, test the links to ensure they navigate correctly to the corresponding sections.

10 Best Table of Contents Layout Ideas

Sure, here are the 10 best table of content layout examples along with a brief description of how each is useful:

    Simple Linear Layout

    how to create simple linear toc layout
  • Description: A straightforward list of chapters or sections with corresponding page numbers.
  • Usefulness: Ideal for short documents or reports where simplicity and clarity are key.
  • Indented Hierarchical Layout

    how to create indented hierarchical toc layout
  • Description: Main sections are aligned to the left, with subsections indented underneath.
  • Usefulness: Helps readers understand the structure and sublevels of the document easily.
  • Two-Column Layout

    how to create two column toc layout
  • Description: Sections are listed on the left column with corresponding page numbers in the right column.
  • Usefulness: Provides a clean and organized look, perfect for professional reports and formal documents.
  • Dot Leader Layout

    how to create dot leader toc layout
  • Description: Uses dots or dashes (leaders) to connect section titles with page numbers.
  • Usefulness: Enhances readability and visual appeal, making it easier for readers to follow the line from section to page number.
  • Grid Layout

    how to create grid toc layout
  • Description: Divides the TOC into a grid, often used in manuals or guides with numerous sections.
  • Usefulness: Great for complex documents with many sections, allowing for a compact and organized presentation.
  • Side Navigation Layout

    how to create side navigation toc layout
  • Description: Sections are listed vertically on the side of each page, often used in digital documents.
  • Usefulness: Facilitates easy navigation through hyperlinks, ideal for eBooks and web-based content.
  • Visual/Graphical Layout

    how to create visual graphic toc layout
  • Description: Incorporates images or icons alongside section titles.
  • Usefulness: Engages readers visually and is useful for presentations or documents for younger audiences. 
  • Modular Layout

    how to create modular toc layout
  • Description: It breaks the TOC into distinct modules or blocks, each with its heading.
  • Usefulness: Helps segment large documents into manageable parts, making it easier for readers to find specific sections.
  • Color Coded Layout

    how to create color coded toc layout
  • Description: Uses different colors for different sections or levels of headings.
  • Usefulness: Enhances visual differentiation between sections, useful for textbooks or educational materials. You can use the color wheel tool to identify and understand the color combinations that will go with your TOC design.
  • Hyperlinked Layout

    how to create hyperlinked toc layout
  • Description: Each section title in the TOC is a clickable link that jumps to the corresponding section.
  • Usefulness: Perfect for digital documents, allowing for quick and easy navigation without scrolling.

These layouts cater to various needs, from simplicity and clarity to enhanced navigation and visual appeal, ensuring your TOC effectively supports the structure and usability of your document.


In conclusion, mastering the creation of a table of contents is an essential skill for any writer or document creator. This guide has provided beginners with a comprehensive roadmap to create a table of contents that enhances readability, organization, and professionalism in their work.

As beginners continue to practice and refine their skills in the table of content creation, they will find that it becomes second nature, allowing them to produce documents that are not only informative but also easy to navigate and engaging to their audience.

So, armed with this perfect guide, beginners can confidently embark on their journey to create an impeccable table of contents for their future projects.

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