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How To Create Customer Feedback Chatbot

Prerna Pundir
By Prerna Pundir | May 15, 2024 11:27 am

As technology advances, businesses are using innovative ways to collect and analyze customer feedback. One such innovation is the use of customer feedback chatbots. These AI-powered chatbots are designed to engage with customers and gather their thoughts and opinions in a conversational and interactive manner. The chatbot can ask a set of predefined questions, similar to a traditional survey, but in a more engaging and interactive format.

For example, the chatbot might ask, "On a scale of 1 to 5, how satisfied are you with our product's ease of use?" and provide buttons for the customer to select their response. Customer feedback chatbots offer real-time, interactive data collection, improve user engagement, streamline feedback analysis, and improve customer satisfaction and service efficiency. Interested in building your own customer feedback chatbot? Let's dig into the steps to create feedback chatbot in the next section.

How to Create Customer Feedback Chatbot Using Appy Pie

Appy Pie's platform is designed for users without any coding experience, allowing you to create a chatbot by following a few simple steps. Here's how you can get started:

Step 1: Create An Account

Create An Account

To create feedback chatbot, visit Appy Pie's Chatbot Builder and click on the "Log In" button. If you don't already have an account, you can quickly sign up and create one. Once logged in, click on the "Create Bot" button to initiate the chatbot creation process.

Step 2: Name Your Chatbot

Name Your Chatbot

In the pop-up window that appears, you'll be prompted to enter a desired name for your customer feedback chatbot. Choose a name that reflects the purpose of the AI chatbot, such as "Customer Feedback Assistant" or "Feedback Chatbot." This name will help identify the chatbot's functionality within the platform.

Step 3: Start Customization

Start Customization

After naming your chatbot, select “Customer Feedback Chatbot” and click on the "Start Customization" button. This will take you to the chatbot builder interface, where you can customize the chatbot's behavior, appearance, and conversation flow.

Step 4: Edit Bot Flow

Start Customization

Within the chatbot builder interface, click on the "Edit Bot Flow" option. This is where you will design the conversation flow of your customer feedback chatbot.

edit conversation steps

Add, edit, and rearrange the conversation steps to create a seamless feedback collection process.

Step 5: Customize Appearance

Customize Appearance

Now it's time to customize the appearance of your customer feedback chatbot. This includes selecting a color scheme, adding a logo, and choosing font styles to align with your brand image. A visually appealing chatbot can enhance the user experience.

Step 6: Deploy Bot in Website

Deploy Bot in Website

After designing and customizing the text, proceed to the "Set up" section to deploy the bot's widget on your website. Click the copy icon to copy the code snippet, then paste it into the designated section on each page of your website. This makes your AI chatbot accessible to your audience, ready to collect valuable feedback.

Examples of Customer Feedback Survey Questions

Selecting a survey type is just the beginning, you also need to create questions that are clear and straightforward to respond to and capable of yielding customer satisfaction data in an analyzable format. Let's explore eight kinds of survey questions with some examples:

  1. Rating-scale question: Rating-scale survey questions are set on a numeric scale, usually ranging from 1 to 5 or 1 to 10. In this format, respondents indicate their agreement or satisfaction with a statement by choosing a number, making it suitable for quantitative analysis, particularly in Net Promoter Score surveys or similar methods.
  2. Examples:

    • On a scale of 1 to 5, how satisfied are you with our product/service?
    • On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate the quality of the product/service you received?
    • On a scale of 1 to 5, how satisfied are you with the communication and updates you received during your interaction with us?
    • On a scale of 1 to 10, how easy was it to use our product/service?
    • On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate the usability of our website/app?
  3. Likert-scale questions: Likert-scale questions measure opinions/feelings about statements or products. They offer five responses from negative to positive, with a neutral middle option like strongly disagree, disagree, neutral, agree and strongly agree. Likert-scale questions are used in general research or targeted customer feedback surveys.
  4. Examples:

    • How satisfied were you with our company's response to your questions or concerns?
    • How satisfied are you with the value for money our product offers?
    • How satisfied were you with the clarity and helpfulness of our product documentation?
    • How satisfied were you with the information provided about our recent product launch?
    • Overall, how satisfied are you with your experience with our company?
  5. Multiple-choice questions: These questions are a versatile tool in surveys, providing respondents with a set of predefined answer options to choose from. They are commonly used in SaaS (Software as a Service) to gather specific types of information, such as product feedback, user behaviors, demographic details, or persona identification.
  6. Examples:

    • How likely are you to renew your subscription to our product?
    • Would you be interested in participating in a user interview to provide more detailed feedback?
    • What other software or tools do you use in conjunction with our product?
    • What is the biggest challenge you face when using our product?
    • Which of the following features do you use most frequently?
  7. Ordinal scale questions: These questions are a direct way to assess customer experiences and sentiments. Respondents are presented with a scale that's typically numbered from one to five, seven, or ten, representing a range of opinions from worst to best. Ordinal scale questions are an essential tool for understanding the customer perspective, as they offer a clear ranking of their experiences.
  8. Examples:

    • How easy was it to learn about us?
    • How useful did you find the [feature name] for your needs?
    • How knowledgeable did you find our support team?
    • How clear were the setup instructions provided?
    • How satisfied are you with us overall?
  9. Open-ended survey: These types of questions let users freely express their thoughts, providing valuable qualitative feedback. In SaaS, they help uncover the reasons behind user behavior and offer insights into the onboarding process that structured questions might miss.
  10. Examples:

    • What aspects of our product/service did you find most helpful, and why?
    • What new features or enhancements would you like to see in future updates?
    • Were there any steps during the setup process that you felt were unclear?
    • What did you find most satisfying about your experience with our product?
    • What areas do you think need the most attention to improve user satisfaction?
  11. Follow-up question: In SaaS, pairing quantitative questions with open-ended follow-up questions is highly valuable. These follow-ups help gather both quantitative and qualitative feedback, providing actionable insights. Net Promoter Score follow-up questions are a prime example, revealing the reasons behind certain responses. They’re also used in CSAT, CES, and other score-based surveys.
  12. Examples:

    • You gave us a [score] out of 10. What could we do to improve your experience?
    • Thanks for your high score! What specifically made you rate us highly?
    • What changes would make you more likely to recommend us to others?
    • What could we do to make it easier for you to use our product?
    • How could we improve our support process to better assist you?
  13. Product usage questions: These questions aim to understand how users engage with your app. They are crucial for SaaS businesses, providing insights that can enhance customer retention. By analyzing these responses, businesses can identify pain points, discover popular features, and recognize gaps in user engagement. This information helps customize strategies to improve the user experience, boost satisfaction, and reduce churn.
  14. Examples:

    • You rated the effort required to resolve your issue as [rating]. Can you share more about your experience?
    • You rated the integration with [tool name] as [rating]. What challenges did you experience, if any?
    • How could we make the integration process more smooth?
    • What additional integrations would be beneficial for your workflow?
    • What do you find most valuable about using our product?
  15. Product-market fit surveys directly ask users: “How would you feel if you could no longer use our product/feature?” This survey uses a simplified Likert scale with just three options, offering respondents a smoother experience and providing clearer data. By focusing on a specific question, it helps to find out the emotional attachment users have to your product, highlighting its impact on their daily workflow.
  16. Examples:

    • How would you feel if you could no longer use our product/feature?
    • What made you choose our product over the alternatives?
    • What makes our product stand out compared to other solutions?
    • How well does our product solve the challenges you initially bought it for?
    • What additional business needs would you like our product to address?

Relatable: A Beginner’s Guide to Create a Great Survey [+7 Survey Platforms to Consider]

Best Practices for Creating Customer Feedback Surveys

Creating effective customer feedback surveys is crucial for gathering actionable insights that can drive improvements in your product or service. Here are some best practices to ensure your surveys yield meaningful results:

  1. Build Surveys with a Goal in Mind: The general desire to "understand my users" or "creating customer satisfaction" is too broad. Be more precise. Detailing your goals makes it easier to choose the right survey type and data to collect. Use a framework like SMART goals, which stands for specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. This approach will guide your survey strategy effectively.
  2. Keep Survey Questions Short and Direct: Choosing the right survey type is essential, but your questions must also be concise, easy to respond to and focused on one specific topic. Think about the data you need to move forward and customize your survey questions accordingly. This makes the data more actionable and credible than generic templates.
  3. Trigger Surveys Contextually: Timing is just as important as the survey content. Sending surveys via email at midnight on a Saturday won't yield responses. Instead, use in-app surveys triggered by specific actions or milestones, such as sending a feedback survey after a customer interacts with customer service. This boosts response rates and provides more accurate feedback since the experience is still fresh.
  4. Utilize Open-Ended Questions for Qualitative Insights: While specific data is useful, some insights only emerge through detailed user explanations. Open-ended questions are vital for uncovering why users find your product challenging. They can reveal unexpected issues or opportunities from the user's perspective.

Also Read: Crafting Impactful Customer Satisfaction Surveys: 100+ Examples And Benefits


By setting clear objectives, crafting precise questions, and choosing the right moments to engage your customers, you position your business to gain invaluable insights. These insights not only spotlight areas for improvement but also highlight what you're doing right, guiding you towards smarter business decisions. Remember, each piece of feedback is a stepping stone towards enhancing your product and customer experience. So, take the first step today and start building a survey that speaks to your customers' hearts and minds.

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