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How to Create a Reading List in Notion: A Step-by-Step Guide

By Tanya | May 3, 2024 2:25 pm

In today's digital age, organizing our reading habits has become both a necessity and a pleasure, particularly for those who cherish both reading and organization. Notion, with its versatile platform, offers exceptional features for creating and managing your reading list, allowing for detailed tracking and insights into our reading journey. Moreover, when integrated with workflow automation tools, Notion's capabilities are significantly enhanced, streamlining the process of managing your reading list with ease and efficiency. This guide will walk you through setting up a reading list in Notion to optimize your reading experience.

How to Create a Reading List in Notion

Creating a reading list in Notion is a straightforward process that can significantly enhance your reading experience. Follow these steps to set up your personalized reading list:

Step 1: Set Up a New Notion Page

  • Open Notion: Start by opening Notion on your desktop or mobile device.
  • Create a New Page: Click on the "+" sign or "New Page" button to create a new page.
  • Name Your Page: Give your page a title, such as "My Reading List."

Step 2: Choose a Database Type

  • Select Database: Click on the "+ Add a new block" option and choose "Database."
  • Pick a Layout: Select a layout for your database. You can choose from Table, Board, List, Calendar, or Gallery. The Table view is often recommended for a reading list for its structured format.

Step 3: Customize Your Database Properties

Customize your database by adding properties that suit your tracking needs. For each property, select the appropriate type, such as text, select, multi-select, number, or date. Common properties for a reading list include:

  • Title: The name of the book.
  • Author: The author of the book.
  • Status: Reading status (e.g., To Read, Reading, Read).
  • Genre: The genre of the book.
  • Rating: Your rating of the book.
  • Notes: Any notes or thoughts you have about the book.

Step 4: Add Your Books

  • Enter Book Details: Start adding books to your reading list by filling out the properties you've set for each book.
  • Use Templates: Consider creating templates for different types of books (e.g., fiction, non-fiction) to make adding new books faster and more consistent.

Step 5: Organize and Sort Your List

  • Sort Entries: Use the "Sort" feature to organize your books, such as by author name, reading status, or rating.
  • Filter Entries: Apply filters to view specific subsets of your list, like only showing books you're currently reading or books in a particular genre.

Step 6: Visualize Your Reading Progress

  • Create Views: Notion allows you to create different views of your database. For example, you might have a Table view for all books, a Board view sorted by reading status, and a Calendar view for planned reading dates.
  • Customize Views: Tailor each view to your preferences, adjusting filters, sorts, and properties displayed.

By following these steps, you'll have a comprehensive and customizable reading list in Notion that not only helps you track your reading but also enhances your overall reading experience.

Why Choose Notion for Your Reading List?

Notion stands out for several reasons when it comes to organizing reading lists:

  1. Customization at Your Fingertips: Notion stands out for its high level of customization. You can tailor everything from the layout and color scheme to the types of information you track about each book. This means your reading list can look and function exactly how you want it to, making it a joy to use.
  2. All-in-One Platform : With Notion, you can keep your reading list alongside other personal or work-related projects. This centralization makes it easier to manage everything in one place without the need to switch between different apps or platforms. By incorporating a Notion to-do list template into your workspace, you can further enhance your productivity, seamlessly integrating your reading goals with daily tasks and long-term projects.
  3. Detailed Tracking: Notion allows for detailed tracking of your reading habits. You can note down not just the titles and authors, but also genres, page counts, reading status, and personal ratings. This depth of detail is perfect for those who love to analyze their reading patterns over time.
  4. Visual Organization: The platform supports various methods of visual organization, including tables, kanban boards, and calendars. This flexibility means you can visualize your reading list in the way that makes the most sense to you, whether you prefer seeing your books in a timeline or sorted into categories.
  5. Collaboration and Sharing: Notion makes it easy to share your reading list with friends or book clubs. You can collaborate on book choices, share reviews, and recommend books to each other within the same workspace, enhancing your reading community experience.
  6. Integration Capabilities: Notion can integrate with other tools and platforms, allowing you to automate parts of your reading list management. For example, you can set up a system to automatically add book recommendations from emails or social media directly into your Notion reading list, ensuring you never forget a book you wanted to read.

Automating Your Notion Reading List

For an even more efficient tracking system, consider integrating your Notion reading list with automation tools with Appy Pie Automate This allows you to automatically add books to your list from the web, ensuring you never lose track of a recommendation again.

Below, you can explore some of the top Notion integrations available. These integrations connect Notion with a wide array of services and platforms, making it easier than ever to capture information, organize your goals.


In conclusion, Notion provides a powerful and flexible platform for organizing your reading list, offering unparalleled customization, detailed tracking, and efficient management of your reading habits. Whether you're an avid reader seeking to catalog your books or someone looking to streamline their reading goals, Notion's versatile features cater to all your needs. Notion's reading list feature stands out for its user-friendly interface, making it easy for anyone to organize their books effectively. With options to sort, filter, and visually customize, it caters to various reading preferences and styles.

As you master your reading list in Notion, consider exploring the additional capabilities of Notion AI to take your productivity and organization to the next level. Check out our guide on how to use Notion AI, opening up new possibilities for managing your reading journey and beyond.

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