Blog Article

How to Create a WordPress Chatbot

Tanushree Munda
By Tanushree Munda | Last Updated on June 27th, 2024 7:49 am

Are you looking to enhance your website and provide an even better experience for your visitors? It may be time to consider adding a WordPress chatbot. But with so many options available, how do you choose the right one?

This blog will explore the world of WordPress chatbots, from their benefits and features to a comparison of the top plugins on the market. By the end, you should have a clear understanding of how to pick the perfect WordPress chatbot for your site.

What is a WordPress Chatbot

A WordPress chatbot is an automated messaging tool that can be integrated into your website to communicate with visitors. These chatbots use artificial intelligence (AI) or pre-set rules to understand and respond to user queries, simulating a human-like conversation.

They can be used for a variety of purposes, such as providing customer support, generating leads, collecting feedback, or simply engaging with your audience. WordPress chatbots are designed to be responsive and accessible, often appearing as a small messaging window in the corner of a web page.

How to Build a WordPress Chatbot?

Creating your own WordPress chatbot can be a rewarding experience, and with the right platform, it becomes an achievable goal. Here are the steps to build a WordPress Chatbot using Appy Pie:

  1. Get Started with Appy Pie's Chatbot Builder

  2. WordPress Chatbot

    Visit the Appy Pie Chatbot Builder and click on 'Create your chatbot now'. Sign up for an account to begin your chatbot creation journey.

  3. Choose your Bot

  4. Once you've signed up, choose the bot you want to use and then click on, "Start Customization".

  5. Set Up Your Nodes

  6. Wordpress chatbot step 2

    In the 'Editor' section, you'll create the conversation flow. Add nodes for greetings, questions, and answers to build an engaging discussion.

  7. Configure Handoff and Inquiries

  8. Wordpress Chatbot step 3

    Use the 'Handoff' option to designate where you want to receive user inquiries data collected. Decide on your preferred method of receiving this information, such as providing an email address, a phone number, or connecting through a messaging platform of your choice.

  9. Design Customization
  10. >
    Wordpress Chatbot step 4

    Appy Pie offers a range of design options to make your chatbot visually appealing. Personalize the text color, background image, header name, and other elements to match your style and brand.

  11. Copy the Widget Code

  12. Whatsapp Chatbot step 5

    In the 'Setup' section, locate the 'Custom Website' option and copy the provided widget code. You'll need this code to embed the chatbot on your WordPress site.

  13. Embed the Code on WordPress

  14. Wordpress Chatbot step 6

    Visit the 'WordPress' section on the Appy Pie platform and refer to the provided video tutorial. This video will guide you through the process of pasting the widget code into your WordPress site, activating your new chatbot.

By following these steps, you can efficiently create and deploy your WordPress chatbot, adding a unique and interactive feature to your website. Remember to test and refine your chatbot's conversation flows to ensure an engaging and effective user experience.

With Appy Pie's intuitive platform and your creative vision, you can build a WordPress chatbot that enhances user engagement, provides valuable assistance, and streamlines your customer interactions.

Further Read: How to deploy Appy Pie chatbot's widget in wordpress

Top 10 WordPress Chatbots You Should Use

Let's explore the top 10 WordPress chatbots and uncover the unique features that make them stand out:

    Appy Pie Chatbot

    How to Create a WhatsApp Bot - Appy Pie

    Appy Pie Chatbot offers a no-code platform, making it easy for professionals and novices to create chatbots in multiple languages. With unlimited chatbots for inquiries, appointments, or live chat, you can centralize user contact and lead management efficiently. Integrations with apps like Google Sheets and chatbot analytics provide valuable insights to improve engagement and user experience.


    • Build chatbots in any language with no coding needed.
    • Create unlimited chatbots for inquiries, appointments, or live chat.
    • Manage contacts, leads, and chatbots from one central location.
    • Gain insights with integrations and analytics to improve user experience.
    • Automate tasks with built-in ticketing systems.
    • Choose pre-built templates for specific needs (lead gen, customer service).


    How to Create a WhatsApp Bot - Tidio

    As a free WordPress chatbot plugin, Tidio stands out with its drag-and-drop visual editor and over a dozen templates. It automates conversations for lead generation and customer engagement, integrating seamlessly with live chat and email platforms. Tidio's NLP technology ensures that the chatbot understands user queries contextually.


    • Customizable and Free
    • Drag-and-Drop Editor
    • Automated Conversations
    • Integrations with Live Chat
    • NLP Technology

    HubSpot WordPress Chatbot

    How to Create a WhatsApp Bot - Hubspot

    The HubSpot WordPress Chatbot allows for complete customization of the chat widget to match your website's design. With conversation customization for different pages, you can provide a tailored experience. Saved conversations, appointment scheduling, and lead qualification make this chatbot a powerful tool for businesses.


    • Customizable Chat Widget
    • Conversation Customization
    • Saved Conversations
    • Appointment Scheduling
    • Easy Chatbot Builder


    How to Create a WhatsApp Bot - Zendesk

    Zendesk's WordPress chatbot builds connections and boosts sales through conversational flows. Offering real-time visitor support in over 40 languages, it becomes a global solution. With advanced analytics, mobile access, and seamless integrations, Zendesk provides a comprehensive suite for businesses.


    • Conversational Flows
    • Multilingual Support
    • Advanced Analytics
    • Mobile Accessibility
    • Integrations

    IBM Watson

    How to Create a WhatsApp Bot - IBM Watson

    Accessible via a free IBM Cloud Lite account, IBM Watson stands out with its rich response feature, allowing for engaging conversations. VOIP calling provides direct customer support, and its proactive nature ensures efficient problem-solving. The drag-and-drop interface makes creation easy, even for non-coders.


    • Rich responses allow for images and clickable options.
    • Integrates VOIP calling for seamless customer support.
    • Helps identify and address issues before they escalate.
    • No coding required with a drag-and-drop interface.


    How to Create a WhatsApp Bot - Mobile Monkey

    MobileMonkey's chatbot integrates with Facebook Messenger and your website widget, offering OmniChatâ„¢ across multiple platforms. A unified inbox centralizes chat history, and customization features let you create personalized interfaces. One-click installation and a mobile app make it accessible anywhere.


    • Integrates with over 10,000 tools and platforms.
    • Centralized conversations.
    • Fast setup.
    • Uses natural language processing (NLP).
    • Engage customers across multiple messaging platforms.
    • Targeted messaging.
    • Works flawlessly with your Facebook Business Page.


    Smartsupp combines chatbots and live chat, offering a free and feature-rich solution. With video recording and customer behavior insights, you gain valuable context. Smartsupp's proactive chat initiates conversations and supports seven languages, ensuring a GDPR-compliant experience. Their robust mobile app keeps you connected.


    • Combines chatbots and live chat for a free, feature-rich solution.
    • Offers video recording, customer insights, and proactive chat.
    • Supports seven languages and is GDPR compliant.
    • Includes a robust mobile app for on-the-go management.


    Botsify is a no-code chatbot with omnichannel support, including WhatsApp and Telegram. Instant greetings engage visitors, while lead generation capabilities capture potential customers. Customization options and pre-built templates ensure a seamless brand experience, and their video training resources are invaluable.


    • No-code chatbot with omnichannel support, including WhatsApp and Telegram.
    • Instant greetings and lead generation capabilities.
    • Customizable with logos and brand colors.
    • Pre-built templates for specific industries.
    • Video training library and YouTube channel for tips.


    Chatfuel is designed for Facebook and Instagram users, requiring no programming skills. It goes beyond conversations with appointment booking, fundraising support, and product recommendations. Re-engaging messages, analytics, and user feedback collection enhance your understanding of your audience.


    • Designed for Facebook and Instagram users, no programming skills needed.
    • Appointment booking, fundraising, and product recommendations.
    • Re-engaging messages and analytics for common questions.
    • User feedback collection for support refinement.


    BotPenguin offers a forever-free plan, making lead generation and engagement accessible. With marketing and automation on Facebook, Telegram, and WhatsApp, you can reach a wide audience. Ready-to-use templates, rich media options, and detailed analytics make this an attractive choice for businesses.


    • Generate leads, boost engagement, and improve customer service.
    • Free-forever plan available.
    • Marketing, Facebook, Telegram, and WhatsApp automation.
    • Visitor details and analytics for insights.
    • Ready-to-use templates and rich media options.

Benefits of Using a WordPress Chatbot

WordPress chatbots offer a range of advantages that can enhance your website and improve user experiences. Let's explore these benefits in more detail:

  1. Around-the-Clock Availability
  2. Imagine your website as a store that never closes. With a chatbot, you can provide customer service and answer questions 24/7, regardless of time zones or your team's working hours. This ensures visitors can get the information or assistance they need whenever they land on your site, keeping them engaged and more likely to convert into paying customers or loyal followers.

  3. Boosts User Experience
  4. Think of a chatbot as a friendly assistant on your website. It can answer common questions, guide users through the buying process, or simply offer helpful pointers. This not only saves visitors time and frustration but also makes your website feel more user-friendly and welcoming.A positive user experience keeps visitors engaged and coming back for more.

  5. Cost-Effective Solution
  6. Hiring a full-time customer service team can be expensive. Chatbots offer a cost-effective alternative by automating many of these tasks. They can handle basic inquiries, answer repetitive questions, and even collect valuable customer data, freeing up your human staff to focus on more complex issues and provide personalized attention where needed.

  7. Automates Repetitive Tasks
  8. Do you find yourself answering the same questions over and over again? Chatbots can take care of that!They can be programmed to answer frequently asked questions (FAQs), collect user information, or even schedule appointments. This frees up your time and allows you to focus on more strategic tasks that grow your business.

  9. Increases Conversions
  10. Think of a chatbot as a helpful salesperson on your website. It can answer questions, recommend products based on user preferences, and even guide visitors through the checkout process. By providing this personalized attention and support, chatbots can increase the likelihood of visitors converting into paying customers or signing up for your services.

In short, WordPress chatbots are a powerful tool that can improve your website's performance in multiple ways. They offer benefits like around-the-clock availability, a more positive user experience, cost savings, and ultimately, increased conversions. By leveraging these chatbots, you can create a website that is not only informative but also engaging and efficient for your visitors.

Top Features of a WP Chatbot

While basic WP chatbots can answer questions and handle simple interactions, they've grown much more sophisticated. Here's what you can expect from modern chatbot plugins:

  1. Natural Conversation with Machine Learning
  2. Gone are the days of robotic interactions. NLP (Natural Language Processing) allows chatbots to learn and adapt their communication style based on user input, creating a more natural conversation flow.

  3. Engaging Visuals with Carousels and Cards
  4. Enhance the user experience with carousels and cards. These elements let you incorporate images, titles, and descriptions, visually guiding users towards their desired information or actions. Buttons within these cards can take users to specific pages on your website for further exploration.

  5. Pre-built Conversation Templates
  6. Save time and effort with conversation templates. These industry-specific templates provide a framework for building chatbot interactions, allowing you to customize them without starting from scratch.

  7. Effortless Appointment Booking
  8. Simplify appointment scheduling for your visitors.With built-in appointment booking features, users can schedule appointments directly through the chatbot, eliminating the need for lengthy back-and-forth communication.

  9. Mobile-Friendly Interactions
  10. Cater to your on-the-go audience with mobile access. Users can engage with your chatbot from their smartphones or tablets, ensuring they can get the assistance they need anytime, anywhere.

  11. Streamlined Workflows with Third-Party Integrations
  12. Connect your chatbot to the business tools you already use, like email marketing platforms or payment gateways. This allows for a more streamlined workflow and better utilization of the data collected through your chatbot interactions.

  13. API for Advanced Control
  14. For businesses with complex needs, an API (Application Programming Interface) provides advanced control. Integrate the chatbot with your customer service program or other solutions, enabling you to manage large-scale chatbot conversations and facilitate smooth transitions between bot and human support agents.

  15. AI-powered Efficiency
  16. educe wait times and improve efficiency with AI (Artificial Intelligence). Advanced chatbots can leverage AI to handle tasks like qualifying user requests, creating tickets, and routing them to the appropriate support channel based on complexity.

  17. Seamless Handover to Human Support
  18. Offer a smooth transition when necessary by providing a handover option from the chatbot to a live human agent, either via phone or live chat support.

  19. Omnichannel Support
  20. Expand your reach and provide consistent support across all your communication channels. Deploy your chatbot on your website, social media platforms, mobile apps, and even messaging services like WhatsApp, ensuring users can interact with your chatbot wherever they choose.

How to Choose the Right WordPress Chatbot?

Selecting the right WordPress chatbot is crucial for your website's success. It involves considering your unique goals and requirements. Here are some key factors to keep in mind during your decision-making process:

  1. Identify Your Goals: Start by defining your primary goals for implementing a chatbot. Are you primarily focused on improving customer support, generating leads, or increasing sales? Different chatbots may specialize in these various areas, so understanding your goals will guide your choice.
  2. Features and Functionality: Assess the features offered by each chatbot and how well they align with your specific requirements. Consider the level of customization, conversation flows, integrations, and NLP capabilities. Ensure the chatbot has the functionality to meet your needs and enhance your website's performance.
  3. Usability and Ease of Use: Opt for WordPress chatbots that are user-friendly and intuitive for both you and your website visitors. A complex or confusing chatbot may hinder the user experience. Look for platforms that offer a smooth and seamless interaction for all users.
  4. Pricing Plans: Evaluate the cost of the chatbot plugin and ensure it fits within your budget. Consider the value it brings to your website and the potential return on investment. Take advantage of free versions or trials to test their effectiveness before committing to a purchase.
  5. Reliable Support: Choose a chatbot provider that offers reliable and accessible support. This is crucial, especially if you're new to using chatbot technology. Look for a company that provides thorough documentation, tutorials, and prompt assistance when needed.

When making your decision, it's important to keep in mind that the right WordPress chatbot will depend on your unique needs and goals. By considering these factors and evaluating the features, usability, pricing, and support, you can select a chatbot that enhances your website's performance, engages your audience, and helps you achieve your specific objectives.

Remember, the ideal WordPress chatbot will vary depending on your industry, target audience, and the specific use case you have in mind. It may be beneficial to test out a few options and analyze their performance through analytics and user feedback before committing to a long-term solution.


Adding a WordPress chatbot to your website can be a game-changer, improving user engagement, providing instant support, and increasing conversions. With the wide range of options available, you can find a chatbot that suits your specific needs and goals.

By considering your requirements, budget, and the features outlined above, you can make an informed decision when choosing the right WordPress chatbot plugin. Remember to continuously analyze the performance of your chatbot and refine its conversation flows to deliver an exceptional user experience.

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