A Complete Guide to ChatGPT-4o

Samarpit Nasa
By Samarpit Nasa | June 18, 2024 3:26 pm

ChatGPT is a chatbot and virtual assistant developed by OpenAI that has increased in popularity in the last couple of years. OpenAI regularly updates the AI tool to ensure the platform has up-to-date functions and latest possible data. The company has released various versions of ChatGPT since it’s launch and ChatGPT 4o is its latest version. This blog explores what ChatGPT 4o actually is, how you can use it, how it differs from other ChatGPT models and more.

What is GPT-4o?

GPT-4o is the new flagship model of OpenAI’s LLM technology portfolio. The ‘o’ stands for ‘Omni’ which is a reference to the model's multiple modalities for text, vision and audio. The GPT-4o model is a new update to the GPT-4 model, after OpenAI released GPT-4 turbo in November 2023. GPT-4o goes beyond what GPT-4 Turbo provided in terms of both capabilities and performance.

GPT-4o can be used for text generation, reasoning, solving complex math problems and coding. GPT-4o has also introduced a new rapid audio input response with an average response time of 320 milliseconds. This model can also respond with an AI-generated voice that sounds human.

GPT-4o combines images, audio, text into one model, rather than having separate models for each. Therefore, The model can understand any combination of text, image and audio input and respond with outputs in any of those forms. GPT-4o’s high-speed multimodal responsiveness allows the model to engage in more natural and intuitive interactions with users.

Further Read: What is ChatGPT & How Can You Use It?

Key Features of GPT-4o

Here is a list of the key features of GPT-4o:

  1. Text Generation and Real-time interactions: Like previous GPT models, GPT-4o can easily perform common text LLM tasks including text summarization and generation. The models can engage in real-time verbal conversations without any real noticeable delays.
  2. Multimodal Generation: GPT-4o integrates text, voice and vision into a single model, allowing it to process and respond to a wide range of data types. The model can understand audio, images and text at the same speed. It can also generate responses via audio, images and text. The model can also handle more than 50 different languages.
  3. Improved Contextual Understanding: ChatGPT-4o can maintain context over extended conversations more effectively, making interactions more fluid and coherent compared to ChatGPT-4.
  4. Customization and Personalization: ChatGPT-4o offers more advanced customization options than ChatGPT-4, enabling users to tailor the AI's responses more precisely. The level of personalization can significantly improve user experience and engagement.
  5. Real-Time Analytics and Insights: ChatGPT-4o's advanced processing allows it to analyze vast amounts of data in real-time, providing marketers with actionable insights. This functionality enables quicker decision-making and the ability to adapt strategies on the fly to meet evolving market trends.
  6. Reduced Hallucination and Improved Safety: GPT-4o provides more accurate responses with reduced chances of generating incorrect information. Enhanced safety protocols ensure outputs are appropriate and safe.
  7. Realistic Voice Generation: GPT-4o features a new text-to-speech capability that produces high-quality, human-like voices, developed in collaboration with professional voice actors for natural and expressive output.

How to Access GPT-4o?

Follow these steps to access GPT-4o:

  1. Visit ChatGPT’s website and sign in or register for an account.
  2. Go to the top left corner of the page after logging in and click on the model.

  3. Click on the model
  4. Select the desired model (GPT-4o) from the available options.

  5. Select GPT-4o

Further Read: How to Use ChatGPT?

GPT-4 vs. GPT-4 Turbo vs. GPT-4o

Here is a comparison between GPT-4 vs. GPT-4 Turbo vs. GPT-4o:

Feature/Model GPT-4 GPT-4 Turbo GPT-4o
Release Date March 14, 2023 November 2023 May 13, 2024
Language Strong in English Multilingual Support Can handle more than 50 different languages
Context Window 8,192 tokens 128,000 tokens 128,000 tokens
Knowledge Cutoff September 2021 April 2023 October 2023
Input Modalities Text, limited image handling Text, images (enhanced) Text, images, and audio
Vision Capabilities Basic Enhanced, includes image generation via DALL-E 3 Advanced vision and audio capabilities
Multimodal Capabilities Limited Enhanced image and text processing Full integration of text, image and audio


ChatGPT-4o is a significant advancement in the world of conversational AI and content generation. The model brings benefits in the form of higher precision and detail of responses, better understanding of complex issues, and more coherent and aesthetic creative texts. With advanced vision capabilities, ChatGPT-4o can assess and respond with text, images, and videos.

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Samarpit Nasa

Content Team Lead at Appy Pie