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Best Ways to Design Cosmetic Packaging to Boost Product Sales

By Jayesh | Last Updated on June 30th, 2024 11:45 am

Cosmetic packaging is the first thing customers notice about your product. Great packaging can attract buyers and leave a lasting impression. This ultimate guide will walk you through the entire cosmetic packaging design process step-by-step. From understanding your target audience to choosing the right materials and printing techniques, we've got you covered.

Also, AI Design Tools can be really helpful for cosmetic packaging design. They provide templates, drag-and-drop design interfaces, and AI-powered tools to automatically generate design concepts based on your inputs. These tools make it easier to explore different packaging looks without starting from scratch each time. However, you'll still need to apply fundamental principles of design for a professional, cohesive result.

Therefore, if you're an established brand or just starting out, this guide will teach you how to create packaging that wows customers and stands out in your market crowd.

Things To Consider Before Designing Cosmetic Packaging

Creating effective cosmetic packaging involves more than just aesthetics to ensure the product stands out on the shelf while meeting industry standards and customer expectations. Here are the factors you should consider:

Brand Identity: Before starting your design, clearly understand what your brand represents. What are the core values and personality you want to convey? Your packaging should reflect and reinforce your brand identity and quality.

Target Audience: Know who your typical customer is. A teenage girl has different design preferences than a woman in her 40s. Customize your packaging look and feel to appeal to your main customer group.

Legal Requirements: The cosmetics industry has rules about what must be included on packaging. This covers things like listing ingredients, safety info, and usage instructions. Research these regulations so your packaging follows all the legal requirements.

Functionality: Your packaging shouldn't just look pretty - it also needs to work well. It must protect the product inside, be easy for customers to open/use, and ideally be environmentally friendly. You can use the poster maker tool to create mockups and get a visual idea of your packaging.

Budget: Fancy materials and complex designs can get expensive fast. Understand how much money you have to spend on packaging. Find an appealing yet affordable option that fits your budget.

Create a Mood Board: A mood board lets you experiment with packaging concepts before committing to a final design. Use an online moodboard maker tool to collect inspirational imagery, color palettes, and texture samples and see how they work together visually.

Trends You Can Follow For Designing Cosmetic Packaging

Stay ahead in the cosmetic industry by incorporating the latest packaging trends. These trends not only enhance visual appeal but also resonate with consumers' values and preferences.

Minimalism: Minimalist packaging designs continue to be hugely popular in the cosmetics world. This clean, pared-down aesthetic uses ample negative space, simple sans-serif typography, and a limited color palette - often just one or two hues. The minimalist approach conveys sophistication and allows the product itself to be the focal point.

Sustainable Packaging: Being eco-friendly is no longer just a trend but an expectation, especially among younger consumers. Brands are meeting this demand with packaging made from recycled, recyclable, biodegradable, and/or reusable materials. Sustainable options like molded fiber pulp, aluminum, and glass are replacing plastic.

Bold Typography: Making your brand name or logo the hero with large, confident typography is an effective way to grab attention on crowded shelves. You can leverage AI Font Generator to create bold and unique fonts that instantly communicate your brand's personality whether it's playful, edgy, luxurious, or modern.

Pastel Colors: For skincare and other personal care products, pastel colors create a sense of understated elegance, simplicity, and comfort. Soft shades of pink, green, blue, and lilac feel fresh, feminine, and high-end.

Vintage-Inspired Designs: Nostalgic, vintage-inspired aesthetics tap into consumer desires for authenticity and tradition. These designs often feature intricate patterns, ornate scripts, and serif fonts, along with muted, earthy color schemes. The old-world look suggests quality and craftsmanship.

Best Ways to Design Cosmetic Packaging for Your Product

Designing the perfect cosmetic packaging involves a blend of creativity and functionality making it stand out while protecting the product. Additionally, ensure your packaging aligns with your brand's ethos and market trends. Here are the steps you can follow while designing your cosmetic packaging:

Research and Inspiration

Start by thoroughly researching your competitors' packaging and other designs that inspire you. Collect examples you love into a mood board - this could be images, color palettes, textures, shapes, etc. A strong mood board will help solidify the overall vibe you want to achieve. Using an Image Color Picker tool in this phase can be very useful as it helps you identify colors from images.

Sketch and Conceptualize

Based on your research and mood board, start roughing out packaging concepts through sketches and rough illustrations. Explore different shapes, sizes, materials, and elements of design. Don't be afraid to think creatively outside the box and if needed use an infographic maker platform to select templates, customize elements, and visualize data creatively at this stage.

Digital Design

Once you've landed in a general direction, move to the digital design phase. Use Appy Pie Design to translate your sketches into polished, detailed packaging mockups that accurately represent how the final product will look.


Creating inexpensive 3D prototypes or samples is crucial before finalizing your design. This allows you to see the packaging's physical form factor and hold it in your hands. Prototypes reveal issues with the design, materials, or functionality that need to be addressed. At this stage, it would be helpful to use an AI 3D model generator for prototyping. You can create, iterate, and refine digital representations of your design concepts before physical production.

Feedback and Iteration

Get feedback on your prototypes from potential customers, stakeholders, sales teams, and/or focus groups. This feedback is invaluable for identifying strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement you can incorporate through further design iterations. You can use a graph maker here and create a four-quadrant matrix to visually organize strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and improvements.

Final Design and Production

With a refined, finalized design in hand, you can move into the production phase with confidence. Carefully oversee this process to ensure the print quality, materials, and construction methods meet your brand's high standards.

Key Elements of Cosmetic Packaging Design

Successful cosmetic packaging design hinges on several key elements. Here are some important elements that you must focus on.

Color Scheme

Your color palette should reinforce your brand identity while also appealing to your target customer. Consider color theory- for example, pastels convey softness while bold hues grab attention. The right colors can shape how people perceive your brand. You also have the option of using a color wheel tool to create color schemes as per your packaging design.


The fonts you choose impact both aesthetics and legibility. Pick typographic styles that complement your brand personality - a scripted font feels elegant, while a clean sans-serif is more modern. Typography should be clear and readable, especially for small text.

Suggested Read: 61+ Free Minimalist Fonts for Stunning Designs

Imagery and Graphics

High-quality product imagery, patterns, and graphic elements elevate the overall design and communicate what's inside. Images of ingredients or models can drive desire. Graphics like lines, shapes, and icons should feel intentional and on-brand. Leverage an AI-powered Image Generator to make this element part of your cosmetic packaging design.

Material and Texture

The physical materials and textures used in packaging contribute to perceived quality and durability. Gloss or matte finishes, soft-touch coatings, metallics, and embossed or debossed elements create an upscale, tactile experience.

Information Hierarchy

Strategically lay product details like the name, descriptor, ingredients, and instructions to guide the customer's eye path. Critical information should be emphasized through size, contrast, and positioning.

Brand Logo

As the hallmark of your brand identity, your logo should be the star of the packaging design. Ensure it's prominently visible, properly sized, and seamlessly incorporated with other elements. You can make sure the logo of your brand is appealing and complementary to your packaging design with the assistance of a brand logo maker. It will help you in creating the logo you desire. You can use pre-designed logo templates to create your logo with if you have beginner level of designing skill.

Best Examples of Cosmetic Packaging Design

Some of the best examples of cosmetic packaging design showcase innovative use of materials, sleek aesthetics, and functional design. You can look up to these examples to take inspiration from.


Glossier’s packaging is the epitome of minimalism. With clean lines, pastel colors, and straightforward typography, their packaging is both modern and inviting.

Fenty Beauty

Fenty Beauty’s packaging is sleek and edgy, using a combination of bold typography and high-contrast colors. It reflects the brand’s inclusive and daring nature.


Aesop’s brown apothecary-style bottles and minimalist labels convey a sense of sophistication and focus on quality. Their packaging is both functional and aesthetically pleasing.

Kjaer Weis

Kjaer Weis uses luxurious, refillable metal compacts, blending sustainability with high-end design. The tactile experience of their packaging adds to the brand’s premium appeal.

Milk Makeup

Milk Makeup’s packaging is fun, innovative, and practical. Their use of bold fonts and clear, reusable containers aligns with their modern, on-the-go brand identity.


Designing cosmetic packaging is an art and a science. It requires a deep understanding of your brand, your audience, and current market trends. By considering the factors discussed in this guide and drawing inspiration from the best in the industry, you can create packaging that not only protects your product but also makes it irresistible to customers and boosts your product sales. Hence, design your cosmetic packages with all necessary precautions.

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