Blog Layout

17 Best Blog Layout Design Examples for Inspiration

Anupam Tiwari
By Anupam Tiwari | June 25, 2024 1:35 pm

Are you looking to elevate your blog page design and make a lasting impression on your readers? Finding the right blog layout can significantly enhance user experience, improve readability, and engage your audience. In this blog, we explore 17 of the best blog layout design examples to inspire you. Whether you're starting a new blog or redesigning an existing one, these blog layout ideas will provide you with creative solutions to present your content effectively. Plus, with the rise of AI design tools, you can now effortlessly customize your blog page elements to match your unique style and branding. So, without further ado let’s get started!

What is Blog Layout Design?

Blog layout design refers to the structure and arrangement of elements on your blog page. It determines how your content is presented to readers, impacting their overall experience. An effective blog layout design not only makes your content visually appealing but also enhances readability and navigation. Key elements include the header, sidebar, main content area, and footer, each vital in creating a cohesive and engaging blog.

A well-designed blog layout can significantly improve user engagement and retention. One crucial element is the blog banner, which captures attention and sets the tone for your content. Appy Pie's Blog Banner Maker helps you easily create custom banners that enhance your blog's visual appeal and make a lasting impression on your readers. This tool provides you with various editable blog banner templates and an option to generate your blog banner using AI in minutes.

17 Top Blog Layout Design Examples for Unique Design Ideas

Let us now discuss the 17 best blog layout examples, where you can find inspiration and ideas to create a blog page layout that suits your content and audience. Whether you prefer a minimalist design, a storytelling approach, or a dynamic and interactive layout, these best blog designs offer a variety of options to enhance your blog’s appeal and functionality.

  1. Minimalist Design: Zen Habits
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    A minimalist blog layout design focuses on simplicity and readability. The Zen Habits blog is a great example of this approach. By using a clean, uncluttered blog page design, Zen Habits emphasizes the content without distractions. You can use a blog design template like it if you want your readers to focus entirely on your writing. Minimalist designs typically feature ample white space, simple fonts, and limited color schemes, making the overall blog website design both elegant and functional.

  3. Magazine Style: Mashable
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    For a more dynamic and content-rich experience, consider a magazine-style blog layout. Mashable employs this type of blog layout design, which organizes content into multiple sections and categories, similar to a print magazine. This blog layout example is ideal for blogs that publish a high volume of content across various topics. It helps in presenting diverse content in an engaging and organized manner, making it easier for readers to navigate and find what interests them. You can even explore our magazine cover templates for magazine-style blog design ideas.

  5. Single Column Layout: Wait But Why
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    If you prefer simplicity and straightforwardness in your blog layout, a single-column layout might be the best option. Wait But Why exemplifies this blog design template, focusing on a single column of content. This approach enhances readability and keeps the reader's attention on the main content. Single-column layouts are clean, easy to navigate, and reduce distractions, making them ideal for blogs that prioritize written content over multimedia.

  7. Full-Width Image Header: Medium
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    To make a bold visual statement, consider using a full-width image header in your blog layout. Medium is known for its striking full-width images that set the tone for the content that follows. You can use blog design templates similar to Medium to grab readers' attention right from the start. Full-width image headers are perfect for storytelling and creating an immersive experience. They can be combined with other blog design ideas to create a visually engaging and memorable blog page design. Moreover, you can even use Appy Pie’s AI Image Generator to create custom images using AI on diverse topics for your blog post in no time.

  9. Grid Layout: Awwwards
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    A grid layout is a popular choice for visually appealing blog website designs. Awwwards showcases this style effectively, using a grid system to organize and present content. This blog layout example is highly visual, making it suitable for design-oriented blogs. Grid layouts can include images, articles, and other multimedia elements arranged in a structured manner. Using a grid layout can help you create an organized and visually stimulating blog page design that attracts readers' attention.

  11. Card-Based Layout: Pinterest
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    A card-based layout is an innovative and modern blog layout example. Pinterest uses this style to present content in a visually engaging way. Each piece of content is displayed on a "card," making it easy to browse through various topics. This blog website design is ideal for blogs with a lot of visual content, such as images or short articles. Card-based layouts are flexible and can adapt to different types of content, making them a versatile choice for modern blogs. 

    You can even easily generate card images for your blog posts using our online Card Maker by simply describing your design in a well-drafted prompt.

  13. Interactive Layout: The Verge
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    The Verge employs an interactive blog post layout to engage users with animations and hover effects. This web blog design keeps readers engaged and provides a dynamic browsing experience. Interactive elements can make your blog posts more enjoyable and encourage longer visit times, enhancing the overall user experience. This style is among the best blog designs for tech and lifestyle blogs.

  15. Storytelling Layout: The New York Times' "Snow Fall"
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    The New York Times' "Snow Fall" is a prime example of storytelling through blog design. This blog post design integrates multimedia elements like images, videos, and text to create a compelling narrative. This type of blog page layout is perfect for long-form content that aims to captivate and inform readers. The storytelling layout is one of the best blog layouts for immersive journalism and detailed features. You can even create innovative custom short videos for your blogs using our AI Video Generator in minutes using the power of generative AI.

  17. Sidebar Layout: Copyblogger
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    A sidebar layout is a versatile and functional blog design idea. Copyblogger uses a sidebar to enhance its blog layout design by including additional navigation, widgets, and promotional content. This blog page design helps in organizing content efficiently, providing readers with quick access to various sections of the blog. Sidebars can host various elements like recent posts, social media links, and advertisements, enhancing the overall user experience.

  19. Grid of Featured Images: Unsplash Blog
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    The Unsplash Blog uses a grid layout to emphasize high-quality featured images, catering to visually oriented readers. This blog post layout presents content in an organized and visually appealing manner. A grid of featured images can make a good blog layout for photography blogs, design blogs, and other visually-driven content. You can even use our Photo Collage Maker to make the design process even simpler.

  21. Clean and Modern Layout: Smashing Magazine
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    Smashing Magazine exemplifies a clean and modern blog post design with well-organized content and intuitive navigation. This blog page layout prioritizes readability and user experience, making it easy for readers to find and consume content. Clean and modern layouts are among the best blog designs for tech blogs, design blogs, and other professional websites.

  23. Visual Storytelling: National Geographic
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    National Geographic uses stunning visuals and immersive content to tell stories effectively. This blog post layout combines high-quality images with engaging narratives, making it one of the best blog designs for storytelling. Visual storytelling layouts are perfect for travel blogs, nature blogs, and any blog that relies heavily on imagery to convey its message. Moreover, if you want to insert such images in your blogs, you can use our AI Photo Enhancer to significantly improve the quality of your photos very easily. 

  25. Portfolio Style: Behance
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    Behance combines blog content with a portfolio of work, ideal for creative professionals. This blog post layout allows you to showcase projects alongside your blog posts, providing a comprehensive view of your skills and work. The portfolio style is one of the best blog layouts for artists, designers, and photographers who want to highlight their creative projects.

  27. Typography-Focused Design: Design Milk
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    Design Milk focuses on beautiful typography and clean design to enhance readability. This blog post design ensures that the text is the star, making it one of the best blog designs for content-heavy sites. A typography-focused design is a good blog layout for writers, journalists, and anyone who prioritizes the written word. For creating custom fonts for your blogs, you can use our AI Font Generator. This tool enables you to create font designs that match your overall blog layout by simply describing it in a natural language prompt.

  29. Multi-Author Layout: The Huff Post
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    The Huff Post is designed to accommodate content from multiple authors, with clear bylines and author profiles. This blog page layout is organized to manage diverse voices and topics efficiently. The multi-author layout is one of the best blog layouts for news sites, online magazines, and collaborative blogs.

  31. Responsive Design: TechCrunch
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    TechCrunch ensures its blog looks great and functions well on all devices, from desktops to smartphones. This responsive blog post layout adapts to different screen sizes, providing a seamless user experience. Responsive design is one of the good blog layouts for any modern blog, ensuring accessibility and usability across all devices.

  33. Dynamic and Fresh Design: Wired
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    Wired frequently updates its design to reflect the latest trends and technologies. This dynamic blog page layout keeps the content fresh and engaging for readers. A dynamic and fresh design is one of the best blog layouts for tech blogs, lifestyle blogs, and any blog that wants to stay on the cutting edge of web design trends. You can even explore our editable design templates for diverse design needs for your blog page design.


    These examples showcase diverse and effective blog layout designs that cater to various content types and audience preferences. By exploring these blog design templates, you can find inspiration to create a blog page design that is both functional and visually appealing.

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