• Author(s): Zaibin Zhang, Shiyu Tang, Yuanhang Zhang, Talas Fu, Yifan Wang, Yang Liu, Dong Wang, Jing Shao, Lijun Wang, Huchuan Lu

The paper titled “AD-H: Autonomous Driving with Hierarchical Agents” presents a novel approach to autonomous driving by employing hierarchical agents. The proposed model addresses the complexity of autonomous driving by decomposing the task into multiple layers of decision-making. Each layer is responsible for different aspects of driving, ranging from high-level route planning to low-level control actions.

The hierarchical structure consists of three main layers: the strategic layer, the tactical layer, and the operational layer. The strategic layer focuses on long-term planning, such as determining the optimal route to the destination. The tactical layer handles mid-term decisions, including lane changes and overtaking maneuvers. The operational layer is responsible for short-term actions such as steering and acceleration.

The model leverages reinforcement learning techniques to train each layer independently, ensuring that the agents can learn and adapt to various driving scenarios. The hierarchical approach allows for more efficient decision-making, as each layer can focus on specific tasks without being overwhelmed by the complexity of the entire driving process.

Experimental results demonstrate that the hierarchical agents outperform traditional monolithic models in terms of both safety and efficiency. The proposed model is evaluated in a simulated environment, showing significant improvements in handling complex driving situations, such as navigating through dense traffic and avoiding obstacles. The AD-H model offers a promising solution for autonomous driving by breaking down the task into manageable layers. This hierarchical approach not only enhances the performance of autonomous vehicles but also provides a scalable framework that can be adapted to different driving environments. The research highlights the potential of hierarchical agents in advancing the field of autonomous driving, paving the way for safer and more efficient transportation systems.