Appy Pie - Commerce Chatbots

All You Need to Know About eCommerce Chatbots

Abhinav Girdhar
By Abhinav Girdhar | Last Updated on October 23rd, 2022 10:23 am | 4-min read

Online shopping continues to grow in popularity. There are multiple ways you can purchase products online. From apps to social media, selling a product online is easier than ever. However, all of the different platforms to sell on can be challenging and complex to deal with for customers if there isn’t a proper way for them to reach your business directly.

This is where conversational marketing comes into play. e-Commerce companies around the world are using chatbots to take their business to the next level. These chatbots can directly communicate with customers and resolve their problems relating to their purchase on multiple platforms. These chatbots for e-commerce bring multiple benefits for your online business and have various use cases. Today, we will discuss everything you need to know about e-commerce chatbots in this blog.Chatbots for Ecommerce - Appy Pie

What is an eCommerce Chatbot?

Chatbots are computer programs that simulate human conversation and ‘talk’ to people to provide some sort of service. Chatbots are used exclusively by online businesses for various purposes. Chatbots provide many benefits for industries around the world. An e-commerce chatbot is a special kind of chatbot designed specifically for e-commerce businesses. These chatbots can be designed for the following purposes:
  • Help in completing purchases easily
  • Recommend products and offers to customers
  • Provide 24/7 customer support
Almost 91% of e-commerce businesses around the world use chatbots for the purposes mentioned above. In fact, here are a few examples of e-commerce chatbots:

  • H & M
  • The clothing and apparel brand uses a chatbot that interacts with users and asks them what kind of clothes they are looking for. Based on the user's response, it creates a fashion profile and then recommends various clothes and accessories.

  • Lego
  • Lego has a dedicated chatbot named Ralph, the gift bot. Ralph talks to users and then recommends them lego sets for gifting others. To complete this task, it asks simple questions from users related to their age group, budget, the type of lego set they want, etc.

Why You Should Create an eCommerce Chatbot?

Chatbots aren’t just a cool concept. Research has proven that chatbots can actually help increase sales and provide customers an additional avenue to interact directly with your business. Here are a few reasons why you should create an e-commerce chatbot for your business.

  • Increased Usage of Messaging Apps
  • The use of messaging apps has seen an astronomical rise over the past few years. So much so, that it has overtaken other forms of communication. Chatbots provide users a familiar environment to interact and makes it easier for them to communicate with your business.

  • 24*7 Availability
  • Shopping does not have a set timing. Online shopping allows customers to shop at odd times sometimes late into the night. Having a support personnel working all the time can be an expensive affair. A chatbot makes it easier by being available whenever a customer needs them.

  • Cost-Effective
  • A chatbot is an affordable solution and provides a high ROI in the long run. With no-code chatbots platforms on the rise, making a chatbot has become easier than ever.

  • More e-commerce Businesses are Using Chatbots
  • Nearly 91% of e-commerce businesses already introduced chatbots in their processes. It is nearly an industry standard for every e-commerce business. Investing in a chatbot has become a necessity for e-commerce businesses. Apart from e-commerce, chatbots’ usage is consistently rising across various industries around the world.

Types of e-commerce Chatbots

There are essentially three types of e-commerce chatbots you can create.

  • Rule-Based e-commerce Chatbots
  • These chatbots can mainly be created for customer support and lead generation. Rule-based chatbots are used to communicate with users according to a strict algorithm. The solutions for problems are preset while such chatbots are being made. They make up the majority of chatbots that businesses use and are extremely good at customer support and lead generation. Rule-based chatbots take user queries and based on keywords, redirect the users to help articles, landing pages, or live assistants. For businesses on a budget, a rule-based chatbot is the way to go. In fact, you can create your own-rule based chatbot with Appy Pie Chatbot. Try it out today!

  • AI Chatbots
  • AI chatbots are chatbots that use technology like machine-learning to simulate human conversations. AI chatbots can handle a wide range of conversations and be used for more complex e-commerce websites. AI based chatbots can ‘understand’ and interpret what people are trying to communicate.

  • Hybrid Chatbots
  • Hybrid chatbots are still very rare to find in the e-commerce industry. These chatbots combine the benefits of AI and rule-based chatbots.

How to Create an eCommerce Chatbot for Your Business?

Creating an e-commerce chatbot for your business is easier than ever. All you need to create a chatbot for your e-commerce business is Appy Pie’s eCommerce chatbot builder. Appy Pie Chatbot Builder is a no-code rule-based chatbot builder that allows you to create impressive business chatbots without any coding. Our chatbot builder allows you to create a chatbot for your e-commerce business within minutes. What sets Appy Pie Chatbot Builder apart is that it offers you the ability to create chatbots that can provide support in multiple languages, assist your business in conducting chatbot marketing, and provides you with detailed analytics for planning your marketing strategies.You can go through our detailed guide on how to make a chatbot from scratch. This guide would help you through the process of creating and deploying your e-commerce chatbot.


eCommerce Chatbots are extremely necessary and would certainly l keep on rising in importance as time goes on. They are easy to make, cost-effective, and provide high returns on investment. From a customer standpoint, chatbots are convenient, provide 24*7 service, and communicate intimately. Unfortunately, chatbots are still relatively new and the ‘best practices’ for making chatbots is yet to be defined. You’ll have to experiment around to create the perfect chatbot which is why you should ensure that you include a user feedback section on your eCommerce chatbot.Leave us a comment and subscribe to our newsletter!

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Abhinav Girdhar

Founder and CEO of Appy Pie